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Technical support / Re:FMD88 D/A#3 and D/A#4
« on: February 13, 2017, 08:30:10 AM »
If you wire the DA3 and DA4 (for FMD PLCs) to GND then as long as you don't turn on the DA3 and DA4 outputs they should not have effect on your ADC readings. But if for some reason the program runs the SETDAC on channel 3 or 4 you can cause a short circuit to the DAC output and that can affect the 5V reference voltage so we recommend that you do not connect them to 0V.

Technical support / Re:Resin encapsulation?
« on: February 11, 2017, 10:00:53 PM »

You can apply lacquer to all the SMD components. For the main CPU only apply lacquer to the CPU pin but not the body because we want to avoid increasing the thermal resistance of the CPU body due to the laquer.

For socketed component, you can apply laquer to the bottom of the socket but do not spary over the IC socket since the coating may cause contact problem between the IC pin and the socket.

Technical support / Re:Missing Screen Numbers in Flexsoft
« on: February 07, 2017, 02:14:34 PM »
We found that in most cases the screen number is visible in the screen properties below the screen name. However, the screen number will not be displayed in screens used by tasks such as "Goto Screen Number x"

It appears that some screens still don't show the screen number even though there is no apparent task interacting with it, so we are investigating this further to see if there are other reasons that the screen number would not be visible.

It is possible to duplicate screens, which will create an exact copy of the screen in the next available slot. You can do this by right-clicking on the screen name in the "Screens" directory.

The duplicate screen will have a new number corresponding to the available slot and a default name. Both of these properties can be changed after. If you are unable to delete the original screen (with the intention of reinserting the duplicate screen after), then you can leave it unused and switch any task interactions to the duplicate screen. Both the original screen and duplicate screen can be renamed such that the duplicate screen takes the name of the original screen since it is now being used in your program.

Thanks Gary. Yes, the iTRiLOGI 6 and above supports Unicode and simulator does make use of the available functions on Java. The PLC on the other hand supports only 8-bit ASCII. So as you have suggested we should mask the upper 8-bit of n when simulating the CHR$(n) function so that the simulator would behave the same way as the actual PLC. We would put that in the next release of i-TRiLOGI.

Also thanks for your help in supporting several questions posted by our users in the last couple of days. You have given great replies that we could not have done any better!

Technical support / Re:Missing Screen Numbers in Flexsoft
« on: February 03, 2017, 09:37:45 AM »
We are looking into this and will provide a reply as soon as possible.

Technical support / Re:DNP3 converter
« on: February 01, 2017, 07:13:41 PM »
We have no experience with DNP3 protocol to Modbus TCP converter so we can't recommend any particular model. A quick google search found a company called Prosoft that has some solution:

Please contact the supplier to find out if what they offer can meet your expectations.

We hope other users who have experienced with such converters to weigh in their opinions or recommendations.

Thank you.

Technical support / Re:ADC Filtering Algorithm
« on: January 24, 2017, 09:39:30 PM »

Thanks for the contribution, Gary. We appreciate it!

Technical support / Re:FP403MR with FX2424
« on: January 13, 2017, 10:18:50 AM »
Thank you Gary. That is a useful algorithm and it would apply highlighted region of the mapping table (inputs, outputs, relays, timer bits, and counter bits) as you mentioned.

The advantage of using the TRI protocol with the FP4030MR HMI is the ability to access strings and 32-bit variables directly, whereas Modbus only allows direct manipulation of 16-bit numerical registers.

Technical support / Re:FMD88, AN20MA and Keyence Lasers
« on: January 09, 2017, 04:38:26 PM »
Thank you Gary. That is a great response.

Ondercin, a few other notes of importance.

1) On the FMD88-10, ADC #1-6 are high impedance with no internal pull down resistors, whereas ADC #7-8 are pulled down to 0V via on-board 20k resistors.

2) Since ADC channels 1-6 are all high impedance, they will float high when disconnected. In order to reduce the effects of electrical noise, we recommend that you connect any of these unused inputs to common (0V).

3) Since ADC channels 7-8 are internally pulled down via 20k resistors, you will need to follow the recommended resistor wiring in section 5.2.2 of the FMD88-10 user manual when interfacing to 4-20mA analog sensor signals. I would recommend using any of channels 1-6 instead so that the resistor wiring is simplified.

4) If you follow Gary's recommendation to use 0-10V sensor outputs, then it will be easier to use ADC #7-8 for the voltage divider since you only need to add a 20k resistor in series with each of the two ADC inputs. You would then need to add a full 2 resistor voltage divider for the 3rd sensor that would connect to any of ADC #1-6 since these do not have any internal pull down resistor.

5) Adding software filtering is highly recommended. If you want to apply some simple software filtering first, you can use the following to take the average of 100 readings on each ADC channel you are using.

FOR I = 5 TO 7
  A = 0
  FOR J = 1 TO 100
    A = A + ADC(I)

  DM = A/100

This will store the averaged ADC readings in DM[5] to DM[7] corresponding to ADC(5) to ADC(7). The above code takes about 35ms to execute, so there is plenty of time to take new averaged readings every 100ms (assuming the rest of your program is not overly large and doesn't contain delay statements).

I'm sure Gary's software will provide more sophistication, but the above code will help a lot.

Technical support / Re:PLC Dynamic IP Address
« on: January 05, 2017, 10:05:30 PM »
You just need to allow some time for the DHCP to work and then run the PRINT #4 "<IP>"  command and use the INPUT$(4) to obtain the dynamic IP address assigned by the DHCP server.

One simple example is during initialization to wait for the IP address for up to 10 seconds:

FOR P = 1 to 10
  PRINT #4 "<IP>"   ' Get IP address of this FServer as a string
  B$ = INPUT$(4)
  IF LEN(B$) <> 0 AND STRCMP(B$,"") <> 0
  DELAY 1000

A$ = "IP=" + B$ + "       "

SETLCD 1,1, A$

Technical support / Re:0.HTM Slider location
« on: January 02, 2017, 08:40:17 AM »
You have to edit the file 0.htm using a text editor (download Notepad++ if you don't have one. It is a great editor), then upload the updated file to the PLC's webserver using FTP client such as the FileZilla.

Technical support / Re:Webserver
« on: December 20, 2016, 05:57:27 PM »
Your Filezilla setup seems to assume that the destination is SFTP and it launches the TLS authorization which is not supported on the PLC.

Click on File -> Site Management. Select your site which is the PLC's IP address. Then click General tab:

1) Use FTP - protocol. NOT SFTP

2) Encryption - Only use Plain FTP

Now click "Transfer Settings" tab

3) Transfer mode - set to ACTIVE. Default should work but ACTIVE is best.

4) Limit the number of simultaneous connection to 1 only.

Now click CONNECT and it should work.

Technical support / Re:OUTCOM issue ?
« on: December 15, 2016, 09:46:17 AM »
From your outcomm pattern error it appears that when the error occured, the RS485 transmitter transmitter was switch off prematurely during the transmission of the last byte so the 2 MSB became a '1' when they were supposed to be zero.

Can you check the firmware version of the PLC that was involved (both masters and slaves)?  Have you upgraded their firmware to the latest version? There were some changes in the firmware relating to RS485 transmitter timing in recent firmware fixes that aim to improve RS485 communication and a firmware upgrade may eliminate the problem. If you don't have the firmware upgrade link please write to for more information.

Technical support / Re:ILock Documentation Issue
« on: November 29, 2016, 09:28:33 PM »
Thanks Gary.

i-TRiLOGI can't produce the ladder logic graphically as shown on the equivalent circuit on the right.

By using [ILOCK] and [ILOFF] the logic on the left is equivalent to the logic on the right. Basically that's what it meant.

Technical support / Re:OUTCOM issue ?
« on: November 23, 2016, 10:06:50 AM »
Do have have a terminal emulator software? The RealTerm software (free download) can be used together with the U-485 to see the data that flows on the RS485 bus. As per Gary's suggestion, remove all the other devices on the rS485 bus and then just use the OUTCOMM command to send data from your program and check what the terminal emulator software see to confirm if the wrong data byte  actually comes from the PLC.

If without other devices attached and the OUTCOMM seem to work properly with the proper data output but the data get corrupted when the other devices are attached then someone is driving the RS485 bus when it is not supposed to and that could lead to corruption of the data from the PLC.

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