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Technical support / Re:NANO-10
« on: June 27, 2017, 12:16:56 PM »
For Nano-10 you can only recover the IP address using the TLServer and U-485 adapter connected to the PLC via the RS485 port.

You need to run TLServer and test the RS485 communication with the PLC first. If for some reason your PLC has changed the serial port settings you may encounter some difficulties connecting to it. If so, then put the jumper on J4 to pause the PLC, then power cycle it so that it starts up in default 38400,8,1,n. You can test the communication with the PLC via the "Setup Serial Port" screen. Please refer to the manual for details.

Your i-TRiLOGI software will connect to the local host (IP address and then you will be able to retrieve the IP address, subnet mask, Internet gateway etc to allow you to connect to the PLC via its IP address.

For Fx PLCs, as well as FMD PLCs with newer firmwares you can put the PLC into a default IP address of  (note that it is ".15", not ".5" when you power on the PLC with DIP switch #3 set to ON. That allows you to retrieve PLC's settings via Ethernet port using the known IP address. Do remember to turn OFF DIP switch #3 and power-cycle the PLC after you have made changes and want to connect to the IP address defined in the PLC.

Technical support / Re:How to protect my PLC code from others?
« on: June 23, 2017, 09:01:41 PM »
Your code is automatically protected from downloading by any user once it is transferred to the PLC. There is no backdoor means to recover the program from the PLC. That is the feature of these OEM PLCs. However you do need to backup your program properly because if you lose the source program we will not be able to help you recover the program.

Given the low cost of SD card, some OEM would put a copy of the actual program inside a password-protected ZIP file and attach the SD card to the control panel. Only the OEM knows the password to unzip the program. That ensure that a secure copy of the source code follows the machine but only the OEM can access the program.

Technical support / Re:Inconsistent parsing of ":" as delimiter 7.12
« on: June 16, 2017, 10:34:47 AM »
Thank you for your report. The problem occurred because ':' was also used as an acceptable  character for names due to the clock pulses using it as part of the name (e.g. "Clk:.01s", "Clk:1.0s" etc).  Hence the compiler treated it as part of the string that form the name. By introducing a space the ambiguity was resolved and allows the program to be compiled.

We have fixed this bug and this will be included in the next release of the i-TRiLOGI software.

Thank you.

Hi Gary,

We have found out that a bug was inadvertently introduced into the TRiLOGI version 7.1x simulator (your program actually worked correctly in the older version 7.0). This however does not affect the program if it is run in the PLC. So the issue was only with the simulator.

This bug has been fixed and will be included in the next release of i-TRiLOGI software. Meanwhile we have communicated with you via email to provide you with an interim software version that allows you to simulate your program.

Thank you.

Thanks for the bugs report. The engineering will run some test on your reported issues and get a fix soon. We will let you know when the issue has been resolved.

Technical support / Re:Welding SCR application
« on: June 12, 2017, 10:15:38 AM »
Sorry that is not supported on Nano-10 or FMD.  The phase-cut is supported in firmware of Fx CPU but there is not enough resources on the Nano-10 and FMD PLCs to support this function.

Technical support / Re:Timebomb
« on: June 07, 2017, 06:10:49 PM »
Do you want to partially disable your program or you want to entirely shut it down? The best way to time bomb the program is to define a counter/timer to specify the limitations on your application and when that value is reached, the entire program or partially will shut down. For instance in preventive maintenances, programmer decides to stop the system working but should keep the life safety related sections of the program fully functional.

Technical support / Re:Self Starting Timer
« on: June 06, 2017, 12:35:47 PM »
Here is the .PC6 program

Technical support / Re:Self Starting Timer
« on: June 06, 2017, 12:34:34 PM »
How long do you need to keep the output? If the output stays on for 1 second every 30 minutes does it work for you?

If so you can try the attached program. The 1 second clock pulse drive an up-counter that counts to 1799 and roll over to 0 (total 1800 seconds = 30 minutes). When the counter rolls over to zero the output is turned on by the ladder program. One second later the counter is incremented to 1 again and the counter contact is open and the output is turned OFF.

You can simulate the program easily by running simulator. If you don't want to wait 30 minutes to see the result you can speed up the simulation: click "View" and click "Edit" button and then enter the following expression:

CTRPV[1] = 1790

This will set the counter #1 value to 1790 and it will continue to increment until 1799 and roll over to 0. You will observe the output #1 being turned ON for 1 second when counter present value = 0.

Technical support / Re:TL7.12 Build 3
« on: May 30, 2017, 11:33:43 PM »
Thanks for your report!

Starting from TRiLOGI 7.12 and 6.52 if your PC has internet connection, the help files will be loaded from the web site. But if you have no internet connection then the help files will be loaded from the local installed copy. This permits us to update the documentation (such as your reported issue) without requiring the user to re-install the program in order to get the corrected help files.

The TL7 Reference Addendum issue and the SAVE_EEP# that you have reported have been fixed. You will be able to get these help files from your current 7.12 and 6.52.

Technical support / Re:TL7.12 Build 3
« on: May 27, 2017, 09:37:12 AM »
What is "softether" network?

Nothing has been changed with the networking or port handling in version 7.12 build 3 so I don't think that is an issue. Is there any configuration setup to connect to the 'softether" network?

You can download the previous version in the same i-TRiLOGI upgrade page. Scroll down to this link on the page as shown in the attached screen shot

Technical support / Re:Turbo Mode
« on: May 26, 2017, 12:45:52 PM »
Sorry I should have explained it better.
I have the PLC connected to a wireless router and I transfer and monitor the PLC using the wireless network
Thats how I discovered that everything will lock up if you click on used Turbo Mode

Is your PC connected to the same Wi-Fi network on the Wi-Fi router that the PLC is attached to?

If so, then most likely the failure is caused by Windows blocking incoming connection through the Wi-Fi.

First thing to check is to make sure that your Wi-Fi is setup as being connected to a private network. If your Wi-Fi is marked as public network then the Windows Firewall blocks all the incoming connection that Turbo Transfer mode need to make so it prevented the transfer. See this video if you have question:

After changing the network to private you will need to add Javaw.exe to the firewall exception list. One way to trigger it is to first turn off the Windows fire wall on your private network. Then try to do a turbo transfer again and if it succeed you know it is the firewall issue.

When you manage to successfully transfer over Wi-Fi, then you can turn the firewall back on and then try again. This time Windows may warn you about the incoming connection by jawaw.exe and you should allow it as shown in the following screen capture:

If the exception rule is properly added you should be able to perform turbo transfer over the Wi-Fi.

(Note you may need to restart the PLC during your testing if the connection failed because a previous TCP connection may have been left half-open and preventing TRiLOGI from making another turbo transfer connection.)

Technical support / Re:Turbo Mode
« on: May 26, 2017, 11:30:04 AM »
One side note - Since you mentioned you are using version 7.11 you may want to upgrade to new 7.12 which have vastly improved search function. Simply type any characters while on the ladder editor and you are given a list of all the I/O labels that begin with that character - so you can locate any I/O labels without remember their full name.

Likewise while you are in the custom function editor, typing any text in the "Find" box will bring up a list of #define names, I/O labels, keywords etc that begin with the characters you type.  So that way you can locate whatever variable name you want to find using the "Find All" button.

We have been using these new time saving features for our own programming and find it a very helpful feature that would benefit TRiLOGI programmers and therefore we strongly recommend the upgrade.

Technical support / Re:Turbo Mode
« on: May 26, 2017, 08:48:10 AM »
What do you mean by "wireless" mode?

Note that Turbo Transfer mode in TL7 will not work if the PC running i-TRiLOGI is on different network from the PLC as it requires the server (PLC) to make a TCP connection back to the client (the PC) and this is usually blocked by the client side firewall if they are on a different network.

The regular transfer mode uses only the single TCP connection that the client makes to the server and would work even if the two are on separate networks.

If the client PC can make a VPN connection with the server so that the client join the server network then Turbo Transfer mode would work.

Technical support / Re:reversing bits
« on: May 26, 2017, 08:36:14 AM »
Below is a 16 bit reverse bit example.

A = &HF5A0  ' put any value you want in A

B = 0

FOR I = 0 to 15
   IF TESTBIT(A, 15-I)
      SETBIT B, I
      CLRBIT B, I

' Result: B = &H05AF if A=&HF5A0

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