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Messages - peterh_DK

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Technical support / Trnsmission errors
« on: January 02, 2007, 01:39:16 AM »
Hi There,
Has anybody got some experience in transmitting text files?
I have 3 TM100MD+ with RTC  and each is connected  to a Fargo Mobile modem

Each unit dials in every morning and dumps the content of the DM[] array, using TLServer on a host machine.
This  basically works fine. The output from each DM[] array is formatted while sending in order to reflect records in a database
The format is as follows:

Date, time, value1, unitID, value2 >CR>

Two of the units usually return 50-70 lines ( i.e. records) and one unit usually returns 100-200 records.
I have received approximately 15.000 records this way during the last months but every week I get some transmission errors where some characters are lost.
My SQL database can handle the import errors, but I loose data.
What can I do to raise the transmission quality or even better how can I check that the transmission is ok on a character level?

I check for the <OK> when I close the text file with Print#1 "/" Command but these errors are in the middle of the transmission.

Examlpe 1 Line 3: the characters "3,0 <CR>" are lost

Example 2 line 4: ?30-12-? is sent twice

Example 3 line 4: almost a whole line is lost


The examples are just cut out from the complete text files, and the errors usually occur after line 140 typically around line 150-160.

This makes me wonder whether I have a programming error in formatting and sending the file,
but I doubt that this is the case since it is a simple:  for i = 1 max DM size loop,  and it works fines "most" days

Any ideas how can improve transmission check


Technical support / Modem connection again
« on: October 21, 2006, 12:20:41 AM »
Hi there,

I have been running the TL server on a Win98 machine with an internal modem for some months now and it is working fine. I have Plcs dialing in and downloading data very night - no problem.

But now I want to move TLServer to an newer/safer XP machine, but I cant make TLserver pick up the phone with the new machine.
I have tried changing modems both internal and external but the problems remains.
1) The PLC dials in Through a Fargo GSM modem tol a landbased line.
2) TLServer recognizes the call with a  "RING"
3) TLServer Hangs up with " NO Carrier"

is this an XP problem or am I looking in the wrong direction?

Anonther question is the Init Straing AT&K0 what is taht i do not recognize K0


Technical support / Re:Modem connection
« on: October 01, 2006, 07:55:38 AM »
This is what it looks like
                                        SUB D 15 Modem
2    --------BLUE-------------- 2   TX

3      --------GREEN-------------6 RX

                                    |---- 7 DSR
                                    |-----8 DTR

5   -------Gray-----------------9  GND

You say your speed is 9600 but are you positive this speed has also been set on the Modem?



Technical support / Re:Modem connection
« on: September 29, 2006, 12:52:46 AM »
This  is my connection but I doubt if it helps

PLC                                Modem DB15
2     --------BLUE-------------- 2   

3      --------GREEN-------------6

                                     |---- 7

4     -------Gray-----------------9

Try setting up a cable that communicates between an PC and MODem with EG Hyperterminal. That means you understand the cabling.

What does the modem require/use  DSR-DTR? RTS-CTS? if either of them are nedeed then you will have to shortcircuit them on the modem side like I have done with pin 7-8
Your cable should look something like this

PLC                          Modem
TX ---------------------- RX
RX ---------------------- TX
GND --------------------  GND
                              |-- DSR
                              |-- DTR

And in some cases also
                              |-- CTS
                              |-- RTS

good luck


Technical support / Re:Modem connection
« on: September 28, 2006, 04:44:55 AM »
Thanks for the suggestions. The error, however,   was once again to be found 15 inches from the screen...

I made a divide by zero error in the mail I send out so the mail stops half way. The error only occurs in very seldom cases but never the less it happens and I had forgotten to check for it.

will probably be back soon with other questions. Once again thanks for the prompt support


Technical support / Modem connection
« on: September 20, 2006, 01:26:26 PM »
Hi There,
I?ve got at T100MD888 Plc connected to a  Fargo Maestro GSM Modem. Communication is one way ? From PLc through Modem-to-modem-to-PC-running-Trilogi server
The PLC dials a predefined modem number and  when connected it dumps some of the content of the DM variable. I use the modem script from Trilogy
This has been working fine for a month now. The PLC dials the number every night at 0315 and dumps the DM variable ( approx DM[1] to DM[1500]  to a text file and sends a short email.
BUT twice the PLC has dialed the number without connecting and NOT hung UP.
That means the modem has been on for several hours and only hung up when the prepaid SIM card ran out of money.
When I go to the PLC everything looks fine - data is in DM. So i Change the PLC RTC to 0313 and two minutes later the connection is made, Data dumped, email sent and RTC syncronised with the Server through a trilogy script. but what went wrong ?
I am not sure where to look for the error. Does anybody have a modified version of the modem script that works better?

Technical support / Re:Email with TL Server
« on: August 29, 2006, 10:59:48 AM »
Yes the RTC is installed and has been working. The power is is cut at the 220V side, so that is not the problem. I will try changing the RTC when a new supply arives next week, unless you have another suggestion

Technical support / Re:Email with TL Server
« on: August 29, 2006, 02:59:35 AM »
Thanks for the info. I seem to have located the problem elsewhere!.

I have installed the RTC and set SW-1 to On, but the time is reset to 01111998 at a short power off ( 2 sec)  and DM values are lost too.

Any idea where to look for the solution

Technical support / What happens when you don't reset
« on: August 26, 2006, 04:38:17 AM »
I am using a T100MD+. After downloading a new version of a program i usually say YES to Reset. But now I would like to make some minor modifications to the program and retain the information aleady captured in DM[] + leave the RTC untouched. If I download a new software and say NO to Reset, wille it perform correctly and retain the DM[] values?

Technical support / Re:Email with TL Server
« on: August 24, 2006, 12:02:04 PM »
Great Thanks!

I also have some trouble setting the RTC. Whenever i download data I read and set the RTC. This works fine. But at startup I set The RTC through the Menu Controller/ Set the RTC, but this does not seem to work every time. I can see that I am connected through the TL server and reading the variables by pressing "V" shows the correct time, but I think I get the RTC on the PC instead. Any ideas?

Technical support / Email with TL Server
« on: August 24, 2006, 08:03:42 AM »
I am using a T100MD-888 with RTC connected to a Fargo Modem. Once or twice per day the PLC dials a number, connects to a PC running TLServer, dumps the DM memory to a text file and sends a short email with 3 values taken from DM[].
Recepient is defined as and sender as

This has been working fine for two weeks.
But yesterday i received the  email from the PLC/TLServer from ""

where does that name come from?  It only happend once! The nex email a few hours later was correct.

Any aideas?

Technical support / Re:Delay function in Ladder
« on: July 07, 2006, 01:29:14 AM »
Thanks - I'll Try that

Technical support / Delay function in Ladder
« on: July 06, 2006, 07:58:31 AM »
Hi there,

I?ve got a new small problem:
I would like to ?filter? the input on 3 input channels, so that I max use one input per 3 seconds.

The inputs are Push Buttons activated by humans. And I don?t want to record somebody activating a button e.g. 10 times i 3 seconds.
I would therefore like to make all 3 inputs inactive for a specific time ( e.g. 3 seconds) when one of the inputs has been activated.
I can do this in Tbasic with the ?Delay? function, but that stops everything else which is not intended.

I just want to stop these 3 inputs from responding

Can somebody help me  with a solution in Ladder instead? Something like this:

Input1 ------- Block   -------------------I-- Out1
                      N.C.                              I-- Block ? Ideally a 3 sec relay
                                                           I--  Function1 ? My stuff   

Input2 ------- Block   -------------------I?Out2
                        N.C.                                        I-- Block
                                                           I--  Function2 ? My stuff   

Input2 ------- Block   -------------------I?Out2
                         N.C.                                   I-- Block
                                                           I--  Function3 ? My stuff   

Technical support / Re:Smart Home via PLC's
« on: June 29, 2006, 09:01:33 AM »
Well as far as i can see all your Tri-Logi specific questions have been answered promptly by "Support", but now you are asking a very vague and general question, which has nothing to do with Tri-Logi. So my advise is read some tutorials first, one place to start could be

Technical support / Re:Merging Files
« on: June 26, 2006, 11:53:12 PM »
Thanks, I'll just retype the I/O table. I  like testing new features in a separate file before "messing up" the main file, but insetad I'll just use a copy of the main file if there are to many I/Os

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