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Messages - jbrandall

Pages: 1 [2]
Technical support / Input #4 on FMD16-16
« on: January 20, 2013, 05:01:31 PM »
Is there something special with input #4 on the FMD 16-16?  I recently purchased 3 boards and have tried to use 2 of them with the same results:  I have two 3 wire normally open NPN proximity sensors hooked to inputs 3 and 4.  When I power up or reset the plc, if the sensors are on, input 3 works as it should, however, input 4 does not.  Both sensors indicate that they are on, and the #3 led and the #4 led are lighted on the board.  However, in monitoring mode, input #4 does not show up as on, but #3 does (as it should), nor does my program function properly.  Moving the sensor away from it's target and back corrects the problem, but this is not acceptable as sensors #4 is supposed to be on at startup and any of the other sensors could be on then.  I switched sensor wires, and the problem is still at input #4.

The sensors and the program worked on a Nano1, but I needed more inputs and outputs so I upgraded to the FMD 16-16.  I set the first FMD aside when it didn't work and tried the second.  Any suggestions on testing the third board without installing my programs on it? Any other suggestions??

Technical support / local file system
« on: December 20, 2012, 05:29:00 AM »
I thought I'd be a good boy and upgrade to JRE 1.4.2_19 and v6.45 from 6.41 and have done so.  Now I can't navigate to load my old files!!  I did copy an old file to C:\TRiLOGI\TL6\usr and was able to open it, but am still unable to saveas to anywhere except the usr folder.  I know that I'm dumber than a stone, but I thought I had mastered the widows file system.  WTF am I missing??

Technical support / Re:Lost in MODBUS land
« on: November 28, 2011, 12:33:02 PM »
I changed M=READMODBUS(3,2,10) to M=READMODBUS(1,2,10) and get the same results; M=0,  should be 1760.

I am trying to save all the DM's for data logging to be retrieved by ExcelLink and thought I could use unused input and output memory as 16 bit variables. So I read about WORD ADDRESS MAPPING (p 14-9) and did the following:

 I tried M=READMODBUS(1,2,INPUT[10]])  answer 2
then I tried M=READMODBUS(1,2,40010)  answer 30368
changed nano2 to DM[1]=M
tried M=READMODBUS(1,2,DM[1])  answer 2
tried M=READMODBUS(1,2,4101)   answer 0

I'm still confused....

Technical support / Lost in MODBUS land
« on: November 27, 2011, 06:06:03 PM »
I'm having so much fun with one Nano-10 that I got another one.  Actually, I need a third analog input and everything I read says it is so easy to have the two plc's talk to each other.  Not so much for me!  What I've got so far is: nano1 and nano2 up and running and wired together via the RS485 ports with about 18" of twisted pair, negative to negative and positive to positive. They are also both hooked up to a wireless router via the RJ45 ports, but with no internet. The router is at, nano1 is at, ID 01, and nano2 is at, ID 02. They both use a common NPN proximity sensor to control input2 on each plc (could this be a problem?)

The programming for nano2 is that when input2 is on, it does a custom function that is:  

M= ADC(1)   REM read moisture
Input[10] = M   REM store moisture
N=Input[10]   REM for testing

This seems to work when viewed with TRiLOGI.  There is no setup routine (yet).

The programming for nano1 is that when input2 is on, it also does a custom function which is longer, but ends with:

REM hyd pressure test
P = ADC(1)  REM hyd pressure
DM[3879] = P
W = ADC(2)  REM scale pressure

REM go get moisture
M=READMODBUS(3,2,10)   (as per Modbus.PC6 sample program)

When viewed with TRiLOGI, P and W change as expected, but M stays at zero.  There is a setup routine for this nano, but nothing with SETSYSTEM or SETPROTOCOL.

My TRiLOGI manual shows the syntax as SETSYSTEM n,data - with the choices for n being 1,2,or 3 and the choices for data being 4,5,6,8, and 256.  The user's manual for the Nano-10 shows an examples of SETSYSTEM 19,0 (page 14-6), SETSYSTEM 253,n (page 12-5), and I'm sure I've seen SETSYSTEM 20,?? somewhere, but with so little information, I don't dare play with that.

I think that I want to use the RS485 port (COMM1?) but believe that the NETCMD$ function would also work.  If possible, could someone please show programming for both methods.


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