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Technical support / Re: WX100 WIFI Connection Status
« on: January 04, 2023, 11:18:38 AM »
You can use STATUS(22) which indicates a successful WiFi connection when it returns a 1.


IF STATUS(22) <> 1      ' WiFi is not yet connected. Do nothing now.

Technical support / Re: Erratic Online Monitoring of I/O Tables with WX100
« on: December 22, 2022, 10:45:51 AM »
Can you view the console of the TL75 (the second TL75 icon with a console window) and see if it reports any error message and if so, what are the error messages?

You may also like to update your i-TRiLOGI to see if it helps. i-TRiLOGI is still evolving to meet the new capabilities added to Wx100 (as is the Wx100 firmware).

For WiFi please use the GET_WIFI_XXX and SET_WIFI_XXX commands. You can find their help files from the drop down menu as shown in the screen shot below.

We have also just updated the TBASIC keywords content page (for version >= 7.4) as follow that includes the above-mentioned commands:

Technical support / Re: goto command
« on: December 20, 2022, 11:35:45 PM »
The destination xxx for GOTO  @xxx is determined at compile time and not at run time. Hence it is not possible to assign it a variable.

Gary is right that structured programming can do away with GOTO altogether, although GOTO sometime can be a quick way to get out from deep inside a nested structure to another location. However, over-using GOTO can easily lead to so called "spaghetti codes" that can be error prone and difficult to debug so should be used sparingly.

Technical support / Re: E10 Relay+ inputs
« on: December 19, 2022, 01:30:46 PM »
The LED flashes if there are current flowing through it but it does not mean that the input is recognized by the CPU. 

Are you able to measure the output from the vision system before you connect to the PLC's digital inputs? That way you can be sure what is the output voltage like when the output is ON and OFF.

Remember that the input to E10-Relay+ must be PNP type (i.e. between 18 to 24VDC when ON and 0-3V when OFF) so the output from the vision system must be compatible with the input requirement of the PLC for the CPU to recognize it.

Hi Gary,

Thank you so much for the report and for posting the new V1.13 update of your Simple Menu software that you so kindly shared with other users.

Yes there were some changes to the file format when TL75 was evolving in order to keep compatibility with older .PC6 and .PC7 files. We received a report from a user who had included comma into the "value" field and when it was opened by the older TL74 or TL75, the text after the comma was erroneously parsed out into the "Comment" column and therefore the program couldn't compile properly. We have already fixed that issue and the current TL75 will be able to correctly import the older .PC6 and .PC7 files that may have used comma in the "Value" column. but in the process we had to change the file format to also properly support the new "Comment" column.

We will definitely include your updated V1.13 into the next release of i-TRiLOGI 7.52 that are closed to being released.  The new i-TRiLOGI 7.52 version is going to support HTTP and HTTPS client commands in addition to MQTT client functions that can be fully executed directly on the simulator.  The existing Wx100 user can obtain the full functionality with a simple firmware upgrade. We will keep you informed via email and also display on the info pane at the bottom half of the Custom Function Editor when it is fully released.


Technical support / Re: E10 Relay+ inputs
« on: December 13, 2022, 06:07:04 PM »
Are you sure the output from the sensor is PNP? Can you measure the applied voltage to the PLC's digital input to see if you are getting a 24VDC? If the sensor output requires a pull up resistor to pull up to 24V power then you need to add it in order for it to work properly.

Technical support / Re: E10 Relay+ inputs
« on: December 11, 2022, 10:32:42 AM »
Input 1-6 on the E10-Relay+ are all the same. If there is a problem with input #5 please check:

1) The wire from sensor to input #5. Make sure there is no partially broken wire that may intermittently conduct.

2) The input #5 screw terminal. Check that the solder pad at the bottom of the PCB is properly soldered and that the solder is not broken. Also check the solder pad of the resistor arrays connected to input #5 to make sure no broken solder.

You can write a simple program that when input #5 is toggled a counter will start to count down. Now apply a constant +24V DC to input #5 and try to pull the wire to input #5 and observe if the counter is triggered. If that happens it indicates that there are some problem with the input connection and you can continue the troubleshooting from there or request an RMA to send back to the factory for checking.

Technical support / Re: MBTCP Time-out was 0 , what does it do
« on: December 02, 2022, 05:45:01 AM »
I assume you have an Ethernet switch that provides Ethernet port connection to the Fx1616-BA, the Weintek HMI and the MOXA?

The HMI connect to the PLC using Modbus TCP protocol and that part is working fine according to your experience.

The PLC connects to the MOXA using <TCPCONNECT....> command. I assume once connected MOXA works transparently and will transfer data from the PLC to its serial port and vice versa.

1) Does the PLC use this connection regularly?
2) Does the PLC close the TCP connection after transferring data with external serial port or does it keep it open?
3) Does MOXA has a timeout for this connection if it is idle? 
4) Did you define the client connection time-out value on the PLC?

What version is your PLC's firmware? if it is an older firmware (current release is F91.8) you can try to upgrade the firmware to see if it makes a difference. Contact for upgrade instructions if you don't have it.

Technical support / Re: EEprom Cycles for a data log
« on: November 29, 2022, 04:43:35 PM »
Sorry the FRAM-RTC on the Nano-10 and FMD PLC cannot be used on the Wx100. They are different interface.

To use FRAM on the Wx100 would require custom-designed carrier board since we don't provide this on our standard Wx-TERM8 or Wx-TERM16. It is therefore not an option for one off type of projects.

Technical support / Re: EEprom Cycles for a data log
« on: November 29, 2022, 08:11:57 AM »
The EEPROM on Wx100 has erase/write cycle life of 1 million cycles. Erasing and writing of EEPROM cells does take a bit of time and may affect the PLC scan time. When you save a string to the EEPROM you are saving multiple bytes of data (up to 40 bytes per string) so the time delay multiplies by the number of bytes.

If you are developing an OEM equipment that you intend to manufacture in quantity (> 100 per year) then it is possible to add other useful components that can enhance your application need such as FRAM (works like EEPROM but with no life limit and a lot faster - writing to FRAM takes very little time since there is no "erase" cycles to deal with).

Wx100 is an excellent brain board platform (similar to our SmartTILE-Fx brain board system) that allows OEM customers to design and build their own custom carrier board (we call these "terminal boards" in Wx100) which can include customized components such as FRAM and battery-backed RTC (for applications that have no internet connection but still need to keep a real time clock running).  Please contact to discuss your application if you wish to pursue an OEM custom terminal board design.

We are currently also adding new HTTP client capability which allows Wx100 to very easily connect to a HTTP or HTTPS web server to upload data via HTTP POST protocol, or download data from a web server via HTTP GET protocol. You can also log data to local data files in your PLC file system and then periodically upload the selected files to web server via HTTP mutlipart POST protocol before deleting it. This is in addition to the support of MQTT protocol already available on your Wx100 and thus further enhancing its IIoT capability.

You may like to consider using these new capability to log your data to a web server for permanent storage when it becomes available (should be pretty soon). Please register your interest by emailing to: and we will contact you to provide free upgrade instructions when the new software and firmware are released.

Technical support / Re: MBTCP Time-out was 0 , what does it do
« on: November 15, 2022, 06:50:13 PM »
If the MBTCP time-out is set to zero then the firmware will automatically adjust the MBTCP server time-out to 20 seconds.

Note that this time-out is for the PLC acting as slave (Server) to an external Modbus TCP master (client). 

Did you try to run "PRINT #4 "<TCPCONNECT xxxx>"? Note that TCPCONNECT is for the PLC to act as a client to access an external TCP server. It is not to be used to configure the PLC as a Modbus TCP server.

I checked the Moxa 5230 - it appears to be a MODBUS TCP-to-MODBUS RTU gateway converter? If you want to access the serial port on the Fx1616-BA PLC from an external Mobdus TCP master then MOXA 5230 can be used but you must configure the serial port on the MOXA to be compatible to that on the PLC. I don't understand why do you want to do that since you can already directly access the PLC via its Ethernet port...

Technical support / Re: PLC INPUT Interrupt Behavior
« on: October 14, 2022, 01:44:07 PM »
Hi Gary,

Thanks for the details explanation of your setup.

One thing about the particular CPU chip family that is used on Fx, FMD and Nano-10 PLCs is that the interrupt input operates using the "input capture interrupt" mechanism and due to the CPU chip hardware limitation, when used in "input capture interrupt" mode the logic level on the input pin cannot be reliably read by the firmware. Hence when a digital input has been defined as interrupt input (especially for input 1 to 4) the pin logic state are no longer visible to the ladder logic. This is due to chip hardware limitation that could not be overcome by the firmware. When you INTROFF an input pin inside an ISR , it will be reset to become a general purpose input again.

The general purpose input logic state are only updated during the I/O scan which normally occurs only at the end of the ladder logic scan. or after running a REFRESH statement. So right after your ISR has disabled the input interrupt, the digital input status will not change regardless of the actual physical voltage level. At the end of the ladder logic scan the I/O scan routine is the one to update the the physical input but the software filtering may yet filter out the new state and therefore requires another scan before the new logic state is finally determined.

The new Wx100 CPU is different in that the actual logic state of the physical input is still visible to the firmware when it is being defined as an interrupt or a HSC input so I believe your experience with Wx100 CPU should be different.

Technical support / Re: PLC INPUT Interrupt Behavior
« on: October 09, 2022, 01:02:28 PM »
It is generally not recommended to use a digital input both as a general purpose D/I and an interrupt input at the same time by manipulating with INTRDEF and INTROFF especially if you need the D/I to function immediately within the next scan. Note that the interrupt is edge-triggered whereas the general purpose digital input is level-determined. The PLC firmware also deploys a software filtering mechanism to filter out what it deemed as "glitches" whereas when defined as interrupt input there is no filtering and that can also add to some uncertainty. For most PLC logic if the current scan misses the new input state change it is generally harmless to delay to the next scan to pickup the new input level.

My guess is that when the ISR is triggered the voltage level may still be midway between logic '0' and logic '1' but the edge transition has triggered the ISR to run and after you have disabled the input as interrupt it still may not reach the logic '0' or logic '1' voltage and hence is not picked up by the I/O scan (throw in some switch bouncing and that may further complicates the scenario). I hope that make sense...

BTW which specific PLC model are you using for this test?


Technical support / Re: Small quibble on Version 7.5 Build 14
« on: September 10, 2022, 12:12:40 PM »
Thank you for your feedback. We will look into these reported issues and fix them in future release of i-TRiLOGI. Please continue to feedback to us any quibbles :)

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