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Technical support / Re:PRINT #4 Shutting down
« on: January 16, 2018, 07:45:10 PM »
It appears that your code exited the WHILE loop after receiving the first line and then you execute the PRINT #4 "</>" command, which then close the connection.

So you may need to change the program a bit. Yet you do not want the CPU to be stuck in the WHILE loop inside one custom function all the time. So you should implement a state machine so that the ladder program get to continue to execute and this custom function is then re-enter on the next ladder logic scan.

Technical support / Re:Excelink
« on: January 16, 2018, 07:40:30 PM »
Unfortunately ExcelLink is not programmable to do what you mentioned.

You may be able to program an Excel Macro based spreadsheet to retrieve the data and the macro program can then decide which other data to pull based on the result of the first set of data it retrieved. However, you do need to write the code in Excel to execute the hostlink commands interaction with the PLC via TCP/IP (Ethernet or TLServer with USB-RS232 adapter)

The following web page is a bit old but does describe one Excel spreadsheet that we wrote before using Macro to send host-link command on the PLC and process hostlink response from the PLC:

Technical support / Re:SD card on a SmartTILE-Fx
« on: December 19, 2017, 07:55:49 PM »
Thank you for your interest in the SmartTILE-Fx. At this point there isn't any on-going development to add the SD card support as there are a few other options for data storage and transfer.

SmartTILE-Fx based PLCs are often connected to the Ethernet network and data can be written directly to a network server as they become available, so that these data can be accessed by other applications without having to physically remove the SD card to access the data.

SmartTILE-Fx also has data file space that allows you to store quite a lot of data locally on flash memory. The data file created by the CPU can be downloaded from the SmartTILE using a web browser.  Alternatively, you can also program the PLC to upload the data via FTP to a FTP server and that can automate the data collection without human intervention.

Technical support / Re:One Wire Sensors
« on: December 15, 2017, 06:31:33 PM »
Thank you for your suggestions.

If you are using the FMD PLCs, or developing a SmartTILE-Fx based custom PLC you could use the I2C interface (require the I2C-FRTC module for FMD) to interface with other electronic components that support the I2C interface. I2C interface is a much more popular, faster and more robust communication interface than 1-wire.

Technical support / Re:FX PLC interrupt and simulation
« on: December 15, 2017, 06:25:24 PM »
I think you were referring to the old T100MD (not FMD) that an input can be both an interrupt input as well as a regular input.

Unfortunately, there is some the peculiarity of the Fx and FMD MCU hardware such that the input can only be read if the pin is defined as a general purpose I/O (GPIO). When a pin has been defined as an interrupt input pin, the firmware has no way of reading the logic state of the pin unless the CPU switches it back to become a GPIO pin.  As such the PLC firmware is unable to report the logic state of the pin once it has been defined as an interrupt input.

The only way to get around this is to tie the interrupt input in parallel to a general purpose input so that you can still read the logic state of the input by reading it from the parallel input.

Technical support / Re:Forcing an IP address
« on: November 27, 2017, 08:54:08 PM »
Network routers have a different design purpose in that it is their job to look out for new connection and to assign IP address.

The PLC fimware initializes the Ethernet parameters during startup and most often the PLC is assigned a fixed IP address during the initialization so that will be the parameter it uses. If the fixed IP address has changed then it require a reboot in order to re-initialize the Ethernet port.

The PLC firmware does not want to spend precious CPU time to periodically check to see if it has if the IP address has changed in order to re-initialize the Ethernet port.

In many applications the PLC may not even be connecting the Ethernet port to the network, hence it is by design that the PLC only check for DHCP IP address (if IP address is set to for Fx based PLC only) during boot up and if it doesn't find an address it assume that there is no network connection or no DHCP server and thus would ignore the Ethernet port.

Technical support / Re:Update to i-TRiLOGI
« on: November 08, 2017, 11:58:34 PM »
We have moved the help files to the web but the upgrade.htm document is not moved to the web so that's why it reported a 404 error.

You can find your upgrade.htm document from the local folder:


We have fixed this issue with the next release of i-TRiLOGI so in future when you select "Upgrade TRiLOGI" it will fetch the upgrade.htm from the local folder instead from the website.

Technical support / Re:Device ID
« on: November 01, 2017, 10:22:20 AM »

Thank you very much for expressing your opinions as well as kind words about TRi Tech support!

We hear your grievances about the documentation and we will think hard about how to improve them.

I guess a lot of information is sprinkled across TRiLOGI Programmer's Reference, TRiLOGI on-line Help Files and respective PLC User Manuals. So sometimes, the information may not be available if you refer to only one manual.

One solution may be to replicate some of these information to the other manuals. However, many of our PLC User Manuals already run into more than 200 pages, and we are quite reluctant to add more pages, rendering our documentation unwieldy to new users. Also, many users probably don't use all the capabilities our PLCs possess, so the current documentation tries to cover what we think many users will need for common control applications. For users who require more information on topics that involve more in depth knowledge of the PLC capabilities, we are always ready to help with email and tech support on the forum.

Instead of creating one PDF document with hundreds of pages, we probably need to move our documentation online to enable information to become searchable.  We hope to spare the resources to make that transition in the not too distant future.

Thanks again for your feedback. They are always welcome!

Technical support / Re:Dip Switch 2
« on: October 31, 2017, 08:20:35 AM »
It may be a good idea for some applications, but unfortunately current version of the firmware does not support access to the DIP switch status via the PLC software (it is meant to be handled at the system firmware level only and we didn't want unsuspecting users to mess with the DIP switch settings which could trigger system level events that lead to more support problems).

Since you are a SmartTILE customer it may make more sense for you to add DIP switches to your carrier board as part of the expansion I/Os. That way you get many more DIP switches for your own use.

Having said that, it could still be offered in future firmware version if there is an actual need for it. You can register your strong wish with the development team and see if a customized, trial version could be offered for your testing and if it works well for you it could eventually find its way into standard production firmware.

Technical support / Re:Protecting the TRiLOGI program
« on: October 25, 2017, 07:23:34 PM »
If the user does not need to view the ladder logic, then all you need to do is to make a copy of your .PC6/PC7 file and then delete the entire program but keep all the I/O table and #Define table intact.

Your technician will still be able to go online monitoring to view the I/O status and View Variable screens to view all the data on the PLC.

You can set a create a user password on the TLServer with level 3 access (User level) and this user will not be able to change any variables inside the PLC nor reprogram the PLC.

Technical support / Re:Change TimerSV with Wientek MT8050iE
« on: October 20, 2017, 01:16:04 PM »
Yes you can start a timer using any values. So you can use HMI to store the SV into some DM area so that the Custom function can retrieve the value use it to load into a timer.

Regarding how to use the timer in Custom Function please refer to the following thread:;action=display;threadid=1046

Technical support / Re:Using a Tablet on the FX series
« on: October 20, 2017, 05:45:51 AM »
Two possibilities:

1) Your tablet may already come with (or you can buy one easily for Windows based tablet) an Ethernet connector (via USB or USB-C) and all you need to do is to assign your tablet's Ethernet port with a static IP address as well as a static IP address on the PLC (both should be on the same subnet. E.g. PLC=, tablet= Now it is essentially plug and play using a standard network CAT5 cable with RJ45 plugs on both ends. You can either run i-TRILOGI to program the PLC, or run a browser webpage with content loaded from the PLC's web pages that you have preloaded into the PLC.  You can of course always write a Visual C, Visual Basic, or Java program to create a custom software interface for your PLC and communicate with it via the Ethernet port. That software will run on your tablet directly.

2) Since you have a Windows tablet you can easily connect a USB-RS232 or USB-RS485 (U-485 to the PLC's RS232 or RS485 port. That way you can run TLServer and use i-TRiLOGI to program the PLC. You may not be able to run browser webpage from the PLC, unless the webpages are loaded into the TLServer web file space.  

If you adopt solution 2), then most likely you want to write a custom GUI in C, C# etc to communicate with the PLC via the serial port. Your program of course need a way to either recognize the COM port number or let user select the COM port from drop down menu and memorize it. Thereafter it is more or less plug and play as well.

Technical support / Re:HST
« on: October 05, 2017, 08:48:13 PM »
If you put HSTIMER 2 on an INIT custom function invoked by 1st.Scan then every time the PLC is reset the high speed timer 1 and 2 will be enabled.

However, the present values of the timers are not saved when power is lost.

If you need to keep the present values of these two timers you could set up a power failure interrupt (see INTRDEF function) and inside the power failure interrupt service routine  you can save the present values of the two timers to FRAM area.

Inside the INIT function you will then load the timer's present value from the FRAM location that holds the previous data. This way the high speed timer can resume its count down after a power failure or reboot.

Technical support / Re:Save as problem 7.12 build 3
« on: October 04, 2017, 05:12:51 AM »
If you want to include period in the file name you should specifically add in the extension ".PC7" at the end of the file name. TL7 does not automatically append the .PC7 extension if the file name entered already include period. This is to allow TL7 to save to file with other extension besides .PC7 (e.g. you can save file as .PC6 extension). So basically the file you have saved to is "PLC 10.3.2017 rev 1" without the .PC7 extension.

In your case you can still see and open the file name if you specify '*.*" in the file name field since that will not use extension filter "*.PC7".

Modbus register are all organized as 16-bit integer.

The PLC can only read these as 16-bit number or can read two adjacent 16-bit number to form a 32-bit integer.

However the FMD PLC does not support floating point so it cannot treat the 32-bit number as single precision floating point number.

Only the Fx1616-BA, Fx2424 or SmartTILE-Fx based PLC can interpret the 32-bit number as single precision floating point number.

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