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Messages - cch1955

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Technical support / Re:F2424 Frequency measurement averaging
« on: April 05, 2010, 02:47:35 PM »
Nice work Gary, I like the method you used. Mine was a bit brute force and live with it.

Old guys have to look out for each other.

Thanks and Cheers


Technical support / F2424 Frequency measurement averaging
« on: April 05, 2010, 12:42:55 PM »
I have an application that uses a 1200  line encoder and drive wheel measuring speed in FPM. The HSC is fast enough that it registers the minor variations in speed due to mechanical limitations of the machine. I am looking for a simple way to average the pulsefrequency over a group of samples to an average value.

I looked in the samples and did not see anything that would do this.

I am thinking some type of for/next loop that loads a series of values into memory and then averages that group of values on a regular basis.


Technical support / Re: F2424 DAC output
« on: March 29, 2010, 04:33:29 PM »
I have been able to resolve this issue by not connecting either end of the shield to ground on the analog cable to the VFD. All works well then for all analaog output voltages.

Prior to removing the ground I made sure everything was grounded and that the DC power supply voltage looked clean. I tried some ferrite beads on the inputs. The noise from the inverter remained on the analog signal with enough strength to overpower the low level analog signal.

My thought is that the ground for the machine has noise on it and when you connect the shield to the ground it is induced in the analog output cabling.  

I know it's not you problem, but it is surely a common one. I would appreciate your thoughts.

Technical support / Re: F2424 DAC output
« on: March 26, 2010, 12:48:33 PM »
I only see the votlage go back up when the DAC output is connected to the VFD.

If the DAC is disconnected from the VFD, the measured voltage on the DAC output is as expected and follows the DAC as it should.

The resistor is a good idea, I will give that a try. I am also going to look at the signal on a scope to make sure it isnt being overpowered by VFD noise in some way.

Technical support / F2424 DAC output
« on: March 26, 2010, 10:52:54 AM »
I have the #1 DAC output connected to the isolated analog input on a VFD. It works well down to an output of about .7volts At that DAC value and below the DAC output voltage goes back up to around 2 volts when connected to the VFD. I am guessing the DAC output is being overdriven by the power requirements of the VFD?

I have done this in the past with the T100 MD without difficulty.

I have disconnected the DAC output from the VFD and verified that the DAC output does change voltage correctly when the VFD is not connected. The DAC is connected to the VFD input with shielded wire and the shield is grounded on the VFD end only.

So I assume I need som sort of amplifier between the two, any easy way to do this?


Technical support / Re:F 2424 and MD-HMI
« on: March 25, 2010, 11:51:19 AM »
A simple solution. Another guy plugged in the cables and I did not notice the location.

I moved the cable and all works well.

Thanks for the prompt reply.

Technical support / F 2424 and MD-HMI
« on: March 25, 2010, 09:28:06 AM »
I am using this F2424 for the first time. The display is working fine but I am not seeing the keypad inputs when pressed using online monitoring. I am using the same key routine from your samples that I have used with the T100MD2424+.

I see no mention to the base address for the F2424 when using the MD-HMI Am I correct that it is the same as the T100MD2424+ ?

The zero key starts at input 25 and input 40 is the last input for the F4 key.

My program works fine in simulation, just not with the hardware.

Possibly I have a hardware problem with the keypad that does not effect the LCD?


Technical support / Re:HSCDEF PMON on same channel
« on: March 12, 2010, 08:27:06 AM »
I am using the new F series so that offers a simple solution. I have numerous T100MD boards so I will remeber to provide the input signal to both channels and set one up as frequency and the other as HSC if needed.

As a side note this is the first project I have done since the new long name tags are provided in the programming tools - most excellent ! A huge time saver and really helps speed code development. Many thanks to all involved

Technical support / HSCDEF PMON on same channel
« on: March 11, 2010, 03:29:45 PM »
I need to set up a HSC for input pin 1 and also measure frequency on that same pin.

I believe I saw a note either in the manual or on the forum concerning using the same channel for high speed counting and doing frequency measurment.

As I remeber it said if you set a channel up by doing  HSCCDEF you don't need to also define it as PMON on that channel since is already set up for interrupt operation.

Is this correct?

Technical support / Re:T100MD2424+ counter question help!!
« on: January 15, 2010, 08:49:28 AM »
I understand. I asked it out of hope, but suspected it was as you verified. It appears that in my application I am getting all of the events so I should be fine.

Cheers and thanks.

Technical support / Re:T100MD2424+ counter question help!!
« on: January 14, 2010, 03:28:24 PM »
Good to know. I have thought further on this and have yet another question:

If I have ISR 1 being executed, and the channel #4 interrupt is tripped and waiting for the associated ISR, and then  channel #4  goes low and hight again (another event) will it keep track of several un-serviced intruppts and service them in a FIFO fashion?

In fact this may be a rarity in this system, but it could happen.

I apprecate your input.

Technical support / Re:T100MD2424+ counter question help!!
« on: January 14, 2010, 12:37:33 PM »
An update. I implimented the interrupt driven counter and all is working well. In this machine two interups are implimented as simple counters in the ISR custom functions assoiacted with imput pins 5&6.

The question I have is about contention between the two interrups: if while channel 3 is running it's very short function, channel 4 goes hi, will the event be captured or will it be ignored while the first function is executing?

I am hoping that the interrupt is latched in some way while the first ISR is executing so it will be seen as soon as the first ISR has finished and can be acted upon.

Technical support / Re:T100MD2424+ counter question help!!
« on: January 07, 2010, 03:56:12 PM »
Sounds good to me. Thanks for your timley reply.

Technical support / Re:T100MD2424+ counter question help!!
« on: January 06, 2010, 08:38:06 AM »
I have set it up and can make the counter work as desired, thanks. So once the INTRDEF statement is executed once, from then on the input designated to trigger the input will execute separate from the ladder scan.

When testing it in the simulator, it increments the variable when I toggle the input just as if it is not triggered by an interrupt. The simulator does not show any difference in the simulator display for ladder input vs. interrupt input.

Is there any way to know it is set for interupts other than the open loop of just setting it and wondering if it has changed action?


Technical support / Re:T100MD2424+ counter question help!!
« on: January 05, 2010, 04:40:51 PM »
I have tried several ways to do as you suggested without success.
I would appreciate an example of a ladder that shows how intterputs are defined and used as such.

I have looked through the manuals, the website and the samples and found none.

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