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Topics - peterjung

Pages: [1]
Technical support / Help with TBasic Syntax
« on: February 10, 2016, 06:39:40 PM »
Can someone tell me what is wrong with the following code:

'Get the Set Value of the timer and store in a variable

ElapsedTimeSVFor = getTimerSV(4)
ElapsedTimeSVRev = getTimerSV(5)

'Elapsed Time Forward Display

ElapsedTimeDisplay = ElapsedTimeSVFor - TIMERPV[4]
ElapsedTimeDisplay = ElapsedTimeSVFor - TIMERPV[5]
ElapsedTimeDisplay = 0

I get a message:

Error:Syntax error, missing: "]" with the last square bracket after TIMERPV[4] highlighted?


Technical support / Nano-10 PLC as Modbus Server?
« on: February 01, 2016, 05:27:00 AM »
Hi there – I am looking for some pointers in figuring out MODBUS TCP/IP with the Nano-10.  I am new to the Nano-10 and TRI products in general however I am fairly familiar with PLC’s in general.  However I have never used any kind of MODBUS so I am a little bit confused how to implement this with the Nano-10.

I have been able to set up a test rig with a couple of Nano-10’s and I have downloaded a programme and I can monitor online and can see the programme operating nicely.  Now I want to get the Nano-10 to talk to a simple HMI interface over Modbus TCP/IP.

Where I am struggling is how to get the information from the ladder over the MODBUS TCP/IP link to the HMI.

Here is an example of what I mean:

I have a bit programmed as “FAULT” and uses a RLY output of “r9” in my ladder.

I intend the Nano-10 to be the server and the HMI to be the client.  What do I need to do at the PLC end to make “r9” so that this can be read by the HMI?

What would the MODBUS address of “r9” be?  Do I need to copy “r9” to a specific memory address than can then be accessed by the HMI?

I have read up on the READMODBUS and WRITEMODBUS but as far as I can understand these functions are for when the Nano-10 is used as the client and not the server?

I get the feeling I am just not getting something conceptually here?  I would be very grateful if someone can give me a few pointers in this?

Technical support / Nano-10 Application Question
« on: January 20, 2016, 03:35:18 AM »
Hi there!  

I am new to this forum and Triangle products so I would be very grateful if someone can give me some guidance here.  I am considering using the Nano-10 in an industrial motor control application as the main component in an “Intelligent Motor Starter” system.

I plan to have a number MODBUS TCP/IP networks each with 8 Nano-10-PLC’s.  Each network will be connected via MODBUS TCP/IP and Optical Fiber to a DCS system.

I am not particularly familiar with MODBUS TCP/IP & Nano-10 so I just want to check if there are any problems with my concept.  I have attached a quick sketch showing the basic idea.

As I said I will be very grateful for any help and advice!


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