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Topics - ricv7

Pages: [1]
Technical support / T100MD2424+ PLC Power Interrupt
« on: January 03, 2013, 04:30:45 AM »
Hello again. I got another issue to solve. How do i get my program run automatically when power is interrupted? ive tested my program thru the simulation and it runs well. It runs on a scheduled time. During power interruption, it just dont run anymore. any reference i can go thru to solve this? appreciate ur help once again.

Technical support / T100MD2424+ I/O's not working
« on: January 01, 2013, 09:41:10 PM »
There seems to be a problem with my newly bought T100MD-2424+ PLC. After transferring my program in to PLC, only output 5 & 6 are working. The rest of the I/O's are not working. My basis is the red led near the Output and the Green LED near the Inputs. Im using a 24V power supply also bought from TRi. Is there a way or a program to test if PLC hardware is broken? Ive done a simple progrmam to test my IO's and works well in the simulation. however, in the actual PLC, its not working. Please help.

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