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Topics - rbatta

Pages: [1]
Technical support / PLC to PLC Comm Stopped Working
« on: February 08, 2014, 01:02:11 PM »
Hi -

I've been using RS-485 to communicate between two PLC's.  Basically, I ran out of Outputs on my FMD-10 PLC and used the RS-485 port to write outputs to my old T100MD.  It's a straight run of about 4' of twisted pair between each 485 port.  In a 1 second scan on the FMD, I have the following code:


My FMD-10 is ID#3, and my slave is ID#1.  There is no comm code running on the slave.  I'm not using a SETBAUD command either.  This has been working fine for months, until I added an additional Output on the slave PLC today.  Once I power cycled the slave PLC, the comms stopped working all together.  I tried using the SETBAUD command to ensure the baud rates were the same on each PLC.  No luck.  

I've also tried changing ID's, reading different registers, etc.  It just seems like the comm port stopped working.

Both PLC's run their intendant programs without issue.  Again, it's been working for months and the only thing I did today was add another output relay on the slave PLC.

I've been reading forums and reference material all day, I'm at a lose.  Any feedback would be appreciated.  


Technical support / Pump Seq
« on: February 26, 2012, 06:00:40 AM »
Hello - I need to cycle a small pump on and off at intervals defined by the operator.

I tried using two timers to alternate on/off and the PV command.  I have no issues changing the PV value of the timers, however the results are inconsistent, meaning the output does not cycle on and off in a precise manner.
The cycle time is between 1 and 5 seconds and I?m using a regular timer.  Should I try using a high speed timer?
What is the best way to accomplish this?
Thanks in advance.

Technical support / PWM Control
« on: April 03, 2011, 11:53:57 AM »

I plan on using my T100MD PWM output to control a Meanwell Dimmable LED power supply.

The MW PS is looking for a Full PWM Voltage of 10V.  What is common practice here?  Should a supply 10V to the MWPS using a seperate PS or voltage divider?  Or use the 24V and limit the duty cycle to 41%?



Technical support / Analog Input self incrementing
« on: March 27, 2011, 10:11:33 AM »
I have a T100MD888 with an iSnail 0-5VDC CT.  I have the positive terminal of the CT connected to AD Pin #5.  The Negitive terminal is connected AD Ground.

There is a steady 2V reading on the terminals of the CT.

I have a 1 second clock circuit that updates the ADC(5) reading.  When the PLC restarts, the reading starts near zero and increaments by 8 until it reaches 4096.

What am I doing wrong?

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