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Topics - rossi32s

Pages: [1]
Technical support / 1st scan trigger
« on: March 01, 2005, 10:42:56 PM »
E10+ PLC

Trying to get and output to trigger for the first scan only. Im using this to "home" the machine.

I currently have it set to use a momentary switch but this is not acceptable in the final design.


Technical support / Newbie programming help
« on: February 23, 2005, 08:10:31 AM »
I need some assistance:

Hardware:  E10+
Linear slide driven by dcmotor with Hbridge for direction

Input1 switch N/C top of slide
Input2 switch N/C middle of slide
Input3 Switch N/C bottom of slide
Input3 Run Switch N/C
Input4 Enable N/O

Output1 Motor Up
Output2 Motor Down


On plc power up motor up until it hits input1
when run switch is enabled motor down to input3
then motor up  to input 1
then motordown to input 2
when input 4 is triggered i would like to process to start over.

Can someone guide me on this?

I tried a sequence but it just motor up  to input1 then attempts to goto input3 and then sees input 1 open again and bounces back up imediatly.  I can change the N.state of any input if needed.



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