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Topics - Ray386

Pages: [1]
Technical support / Serial Comms with LibertyBasic ???
« on: January 20, 2009, 07:26:24 PM »
Has any one tried LibertyBasic to communicate with any type of PLC from trilogi?
Communication seems to only work with Qbasic.
When I use the same code in LibertyBasic PLC does not respond.

Yes i do give some wait time before looking at input.
Yes there is a command send out on the comm port. This is confirmed with other laptop and serial debug software.
So whay does this PLC "T44H-pnp" does not respond to the command chr$(5) or any other? The feedback is suppose to be an echo of what is sent.

Here is the code

    open  "com1:9600,n,8,1,ds0,cs0,rs" for random as #1

    print "com 1 opened."
    print #1,chr$(5)
    timer 200, [timedown]
    a$ = input$(#1,1)
    print "Feedback is >";a$
    close #1
    print "file is closed."
timer 0
goto [ri]

Pages: [1]