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Topics - EdmontonControls

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Technical support / RemoteIO-M series
« on: November 05, 2008, 12:53:07 PM »
Hello, I am currently using two T100MD888 with comms using RS 485 to send info back and forth between each other.  The Master is sending out requests for values in the slave DM[] locations, this works fine, but when I get the values back in the Master they are out of range, ie they are jumping around from +1800 to -320000.  
From reading the info on the demo program in Trilogi I understood that the DM[] value was send to the master in HEX but was then converted into Decimal, am I wrong in thinking this?  If so, how do I convert the DM[]value in the master back into Decimal so that I can use it.

Thanks for the info

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