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Topics - schmidtpresses

Pages: [1]
Technical support / PLC not responding
« on: June 17, 2008, 06:30:26 AM »
Hi, I'm using your T100MD+ PLC board and I have encountered a problem. The PLC is not responding, cannot communicate with it, LCD is just blinking a cursor and there are 3 LEDs turned ON on the PCB and they are 1 green and two red labeled as RTC err and Run err. My DC power is dead on 24V, I relpaced the microcontroller with a spare one and EPROM chip which did not change my status. One clue I can give you is that this particular PLC was used in a facility that looses it's power on daily bases and switches to generator (Dominican Republic), and I'm not sure if that had something to do with it. Could you give me some troubleshooting tips? Where to start or what to check? Much appreciated,

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