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Topics - hareldvd

Pages: [1]
Technical support / Trilogi, can I get a new version?
« on: November 17, 2005, 01:48:29 AM »

About a year ago I started developing in Trilogi, I had some difficulties with the development environment and was promissed that the new version will have those problems fixed. I think it is about time to see the frutes of Trilogi efforts. Is there a new version available? Can I download it?

Technical support / piddef resets pidcompute data.
« on: February 25, 2005, 06:47:41 AM »

We have finally implemented a distillation control unit based on On a T100MD unit.
Using pid channel we control the heater.
Unfortunately when a liquid such as oil is heated there are different phases which require different pid values. I have the ability to identify the phase where I need to change pid definitions but doing so resets the current pid calculations and starts back from zero. This causes a major instability state in the controller.

I was told by my boss that on some controllers you can set manual value to pid so I could restore the pidcompute result and have next pidcompute use new P I D values. Is that possible on any Tri products?

Technical support / T100MD step motor speed control
« on: December 25, 2004, 05:56:43 AM »

We need an accurate step motor speed control to run a pump in a speed range of  20-500 pps so we will have accurate flow.
We discovered that step motor speed is not increasing smoothly rather in gaps of about 4% of the current speed. That is if the speed is about 200 pps the next speed I can get is 208 pps.
We measured the step motor output channel using Frequency counter to reassure our findings but you can also hear the sound of the motor. If you increase the  speed by incrementing pps value in stepspeed command you will here that if starting from 200 pps the sound doesn't change until it reaches 208.
We also thought of changing step motor steps to 1 eighth step and increase the pps value in the plc that is:
stepspeed 1, e*8, 5
but that didn't help because that 4% gap was still on on hight speed values.
Is there any measure I can take to increase speed accuracy?

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