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Topics - dutch_CAT

Pages: [1]
Technical support / small analog signals
« on: December 07, 2006, 05:37:22 PM »
is it possible to change the analog input range from the 0-5V to say 0-1 Volt?

I have an application where I need to read one analog value with a 0-1 V range

if the range is corresponding the 10 bit conversion would be fine, otherwise I need at least 13 bits to get enough resolution.

So if I can not change the analog reference voltage what would your suggestion be to get a higher resolution?

thanks and have a nice day

Technical support / NO compilation or PLC transfer
« on: September 12, 2004, 05:00:32 PM »
When I press F8 to test-compile the program nothing happens
The program does not crash but I do not get a compilation window.
Trying to transfer to the PLC, Ctrl.+T gives the same result.
Tried to restart the software and the computer to no avail.

Technical support / Jogging a stepper motor
« on: September 04, 2004, 02:50:35 PM »

I need to jog my stepper motor at a certain speed for an "indefinite" time, that is I can not define the number of steps beforehand.

Imagine moving the system in and out of the region were normal positioning would happen.

Is there any way this can be realizied?
- merge a next move to an ongoing move?
- reset the pulses  to go?
- ???

please advice,

Another solution for me would be to use another output to jog BUT how do I get something like 4kHz out of any of the other outputs (since it is a variable frequency I cannot use the PWM output for this)

Thanks in advance

Martin  :-[

Pages: [1]