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Topics - will

Pages: [1]
Technical support / getting a program off of a PLC
« on: May 10, 2002, 05:30:08 AM »
Hi, the new forum looks good.

I recently had my PC at work formatted, losing the programs I had written for my T100MD888 PLC.  The PLC still works fine and after reinstalling the TriLogi software I can communicate PC to PLC.  I tested this by setting the real time clock.  When I try to open the program stored on the PLC I get an error message.

I have tried this two different ways, one by opening the matching source file: I get an error message that says that the file is not found or not a valid TriLogi file.

Then I tried opening the file from the TL server, when I do this I find only an empty directory.

Is there another way to try to download the program from the PLC to the computer?  Am I making some other obvious mistake?  I have hard copies of my programs but I would rather not try to redo the programs on my computer.

Thanks for any advice,


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