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Topics - shyampras

Pages: [1]
Technical support / PLC pause error!!
« on: May 03, 2007, 11:12:02 PM »

One of my T100MD 888 PLC has PAUSE LED "on" since power up. I am unable to connect to it through Trilogi to reset it.

Need immediate help...



Technical support / Using Analog I/p As for Digital Inputs.
« on: May 03, 2007, 02:50:13 AM »

I am using T100MD888 for material handling application. I am running short of Digital Inputs.

I plan to use Analog Inputs (the application does not demand for any analog signal processing).

Can i connect Digital inputs (volt free relay contact) between +5V DC, available at pin 13/15 and pin 8 - 1.


Shyam Prasad

Technical support / Inputs scan time..
« on: January 02, 2007, 10:46:20 AM »

What is the minimum (ON->OFF or OFF->ON) time required for the inputs to be recognised by the PLCs of E10+ series.

Technical support / Right configuration for DAQ.
« on: November 16, 2006, 02:50:29 AM »

I am looking at recording various events from 60+ independent machines. The events are in the form of digital signals not exceeding 8 i/p per machine.

The events would be hourly production count, different fault conditions and run time. These event would be logged on SCADA system for graphical representation andto generate  supervisory alerts. Simultaneously the events would be pooled to a SQL server to perform various statistical analysis.

Can you help me with right config.



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