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Topics - John

Pages: [1]
Technical support / EZMarquees
« on: October 17, 2007, 03:04:46 PM »
Dear Mr.

Does EZMarquees can work with the T100?, they use ASCII protocol and RS422-RS485.

Thank you for your help



Technical support / TriExcelLink Question
« on: September 17, 2007, 01:49:43 PM »
Dear Mr.

I have installed the TriExcellLink but I can't read from the PLC,
 I just try the sample S1 LocalHost that comes done with the software. When I press the "Run" button appears :''Execute Active Actions from Active Sites'' and " Execute once Actions with Period = 0" but the spreadsheet that opens (Book 1) is always empty. What do you think is my problem? is neccesary to do scripts on the spreadsheet first?

Thank you for your help.



Technical support / RS-485 monitoring net
« on: September 13, 2007, 02:55:03 PM »

I have a RS-485 net with one T100MD888 and one E-10, The PC use the 485 converter to connect to the net. The T100 with the E 10 work very well but when I want to monitor the T100 with the autoconverter RS485/232 and I open the monitor in the Trilogi the monitor display is open just for a moment and then it close and the connection is lost, it work only if I stop the T100 by the Dipswitch 4. The net is in a Lab enviroment even though I use the bias resistor. What can you recommend me?

Thank you for your attention.


Technical support / Private IP address
« on: August 17, 2007, 09:25:52 PM »
It is possible  monitoring the T100 connected to internet using a private IP address like : from the web?

I tried but it didn?t.

Thank you


Technical support / Comunication with RF modems
« on: October 02, 2006, 07:31:57 PM »

I have two T100MD communicating by RF modem on the port 1, but sometimes the comunication isn?t good, the PLC and the modems are on two crane bridges that always are moving, and the communications always fail when the two crane bridges are nearest.

I used one PLC in address 1 and the other in 2 and I use just use WRITEMB2 sentence in both PLC to send two register in a cusfn with 1 sencond pulse clock, what do you think is my problem and what can I do ? I would like to send you my application files to check it and help me.

Thank you

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