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Topics - skj1402

Pages: 1 [2]
Technical support / Annoying High Speed Counter messages
« on: August 24, 2005, 01:15:43 PM »
I'm trying to use the HSCDEF function in a Cusfn to enable me to count an encoder output, but I keep getting a message box come up repeatedly titled 'HSCDEF executed in Fn #n' that tell me that 'CusFn #n is triggered when HSCPV #n = n' (where n is any number that I maybe using).

A new one of these message boxes is generated every time the Cusfn is called so I end up having 100's of the things on the screen and in the end the programme just locks up through sheer saturation.

Is there any way I can stop these very annoying things coming up? Thanks! >:(

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