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Messages - peterjung

Pages: [1]
Technical support / Re:Help with TBasic Syntax
« on: February 10, 2016, 07:48:53 PM »
OK...I found the problem....

My variable called "ElapsedTimeDisplay" was defined in the "Define Variable Names" table as:


..... where of course it should be:



Technical support / Help with TBasic Syntax
« on: February 10, 2016, 06:39:40 PM »
Can someone tell me what is wrong with the following code:

'Get the Set Value of the timer and store in a variable

ElapsedTimeSVFor = getTimerSV(4)
ElapsedTimeSVRev = getTimerSV(5)

'Elapsed Time Forward Display

ElapsedTimeDisplay = ElapsedTimeSVFor - TIMERPV[4]
ElapsedTimeDisplay = ElapsedTimeSVFor - TIMERPV[5]
ElapsedTimeDisplay = 0

I get a message:

Error:Syntax error, missing: "]" with the last square bracket after TIMERPV[4] highlighted?


Technical support / Re:Nano-10 PLC as Modbus Server?
« on: February 04, 2016, 04:26:21 AM »
OK... I worked it out.  I just figured out that I do not need to send the MODBUS function code with the address from the HMI - I guess the function is implicit in the type of control......doh!

So If I want to read from Bit 1025 I need to address it as 11025
If I want to write to Bit 1025 then I need to address it as 01025

Simple when you know how I guess.....!!

Technical support / Re:Nano-10 PLC as Modbus Server?
« on: February 04, 2016, 02:35:44 AM »
Hi Again!

I have been able to read bits over the MODBUS TCP/IP but I am having trouble writing from the HMI to the PLC.

For example I have r6 which I can read from using the address and function code as:


i.e. Function Code 1 followed by the Bit Address.

I tried to write to r1 using the same format i.e. 51025 but this give me an error.

I suspect that the following section from page 19-9 in the manual may be the reason:

“All the Nano-10 I/O bits are mapped identically to both the MODBUS “0x” and 1x space.  Although MODBUS names the 0x address space as “Coil (which means output bits) and the “1x” address space as “Input Status” (which means input bits only), the Nano-10 PLCs treat both spaces the same.  Some MODBUS drivers only allow you to “read” from the 0x space and “write” to 1x space but you still use the same offset shown on Table 14.1”

I am somewhat confused about the above statement.  I am trying to use Advanced HMI as the HMI programme and the MODBUS TCP driver will not accept addresses of the format 0-1025 or 1-1025.  So what would be the correct address to map to r1 on 1025 but in the “1x” space?


Technical support / Re:Nano-10 PLC as Modbus Server?
« on: February 01, 2016, 06:52:00 PM »
Support...Many thanks!

I have just had a look at page 14.8 in the manual as you suggest and I get it now!

Thanks again for the prompt response!

Technical support / Nano-10 PLC as Modbus Server?
« on: February 01, 2016, 05:27:00 AM »
Hi there – I am looking for some pointers in figuring out MODBUS TCP/IP with the Nano-10.  I am new to the Nano-10 and TRI products in general however I am fairly familiar with PLC’s in general.  However I have never used any kind of MODBUS so I am a little bit confused how to implement this with the Nano-10.

I have been able to set up a test rig with a couple of Nano-10’s and I have downloaded a programme and I can monitor online and can see the programme operating nicely.  Now I want to get the Nano-10 to talk to a simple HMI interface over Modbus TCP/IP.

Where I am struggling is how to get the information from the ladder over the MODBUS TCP/IP link to the HMI.

Here is an example of what I mean:

I have a bit programmed as “FAULT” and uses a RLY output of “r9” in my ladder.

I intend the Nano-10 to be the server and the HMI to be the client.  What do I need to do at the PLC end to make “r9” so that this can be read by the HMI?

What would the MODBUS address of “r9” be?  Do I need to copy “r9” to a specific memory address than can then be accessed by the HMI?

I have read up on the READMODBUS and WRITEMODBUS but as far as I can understand these functions are for when the Nano-10 is used as the client and not the server?

I get the feeling I am just not getting something conceptually here?  I would be very grateful if someone can give me a few pointers in this?

Technical support / Re:Nano-10 Application Question
« on: January 23, 2016, 02:51:36 AM »
Thanks again!  I appreciate the confirmation on the relays!

Today I got a hold of two Nano-10’s from your local agent and I am currently putting together a test set up.

I am sure I will have some more questions soon - probably on the MODBUS TCP/IP programming side!

Technical support / Re:Nano-10 Application Question
« on: January 22, 2016, 03:42:38 AM »

Many thanks for the response – very much appreciated!

Regarding your comments on the outputs….I am using the two relay outputs so I assume that the contacts are isolated?

The other output I am using to switch via an interposing relay.

Thanks again!

Technical support / Nano-10 Application Question
« on: January 20, 2016, 03:35:18 AM »
Hi there!  

I am new to this forum and Triangle products so I would be very grateful if someone can give me some guidance here.  I am considering using the Nano-10 in an industrial motor control application as the main component in an “Intelligent Motor Starter” system.

I plan to have a number MODBUS TCP/IP networks each with 8 Nano-10-PLC’s.  Each network will be connected via MODBUS TCP/IP and Optical Fiber to a DCS system.

I am not particularly familiar with MODBUS TCP/IP & Nano-10 so I just want to check if there are any problems with my concept.  I have attached a quick sketch showing the basic idea.

As I said I will be very grateful for any help and advice!


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