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Messages - markjensen

Pages: [1]
Technical support / Re:Trilogi under Linux?
« on: August 26, 2008, 06:48:47 PM »
Hey, new member on the forums here.   Just got two T100MX units and tried installing the downloaded linked Windows software.  Ran them in wine and they created the .jar files and other files.  I am able to run the TL5edu.jar file natively in Linux with the command
java -jar TL5edu.jar

This results in:

It seems to be a "demo" and does not connect to the PLC board.

I need to look into that a bit more.   I want to be able to load/save ladder programs to the computer, and upload them into the PLC, and what I have running doesn't seem to do that... yet, anyhow.

Best of luck from another Linux user!

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