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Messages - ryandsm

Pages: [1]
Technical support / Re:RTC error
« on: August 15, 2008, 08:56:52 AM »
would you suggest following the procedure on page 3-5 of the book to fix this problem ? (reseting with DIP4 ON )

Technical support / Re:RTC error
« on: August 15, 2008, 07:13:59 AM »
i was sending the date to logs.txt,
which is the content of the file .

i am having a new problem this morning.
when i try to detect the PLC ID an error message comes up saying: make sure only one PLC is connected to the server, and that the power is on.

im pretty sure i only have one PLC connected, and the power is on. also the serial communication setup says COM1 opened.

any clue as to whats going on here ?

Technical support / Re:Real Time Clock
« on: August 14, 2008, 02:56:39 PM »
this is what i would do
you woundt have to transfer the program to the PLC to simulate.
click on the "simulate" tab at the top of the window then click on "run( all i/o reset)"



if date[3] = 3 and time[1] = 21 and time[2] = 55 and time[3] = 30
   setio turn_on
   if date[3] = 3 and time[1] = 21 and time[2] = 56
      clrio turn_on

Technical support / RTC error
« on: August 14, 2008, 02:13:04 PM »
I have a RTC error light on, just wondering what causes this error and how I can fix the prblem ?

- I have tried powering on-off the PLC, but the light remains on.

some background :

I had transfered a program to the PLC that would write to a file. There seems to be an infinite loop someware as the server keeps printing <write logs.txt> .

Pages: [1]