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Messages - namloc

Pages: [1]
Technical support / Re:Hardware input control
« on: November 04, 2004, 09:21:56 AM »
I noticed that when using the WinLogi v.3.5 software, that it "sees" an E+12 device rather than the E+10 device that I am using. Could it be that the PLC boards are programmed wrong?

Technical support / Re:Hardware input control
« on: November 04, 2004, 07:21:33 AM »
I have tried increasing the supply voltage to the PLC to +15VDC and the input at #1 still is latched ON. On-line monitoring indicates #1 input is ON regardless of the hardware input. I have changed the software eliminating input #1 and the program runs OK. Note that a program simulation of the original runs OK. ???

Technical support / Re:Hardware input control
« on: October 19, 2004, 10:50:26 AM »
The two (2) inputs, #1 & #2, are connected in parallel on the ladder logic diagram. When the switches are turned ON the voltage at the input is 0 VDC and when they are OFF it is +9.00 VDC. Note that when I am monitoring the PLC on-line, the input appears latched ON even though the input LED is not on. When performing a program simulation, the software appears OK and responds as planned.

Technical support / Hardware input control
« on: October 15, 2004, 07:55:52 AM »
I am using an E10-npn+ PLC with inputs 1 & 2 connected in parallel. While on-line monitoring, input 1 is always being on regardless of the status of the hardware. I can see activity, green LED, at the input but no control of the outputs. While simulating the same program, all is OK. That is, I can toggle the inputs and get the correct outputs. I moved the hardware switch from input 1 to input 6 and changed the program accordingly, and it worked OK. I tried two new PLCs and the same thing happened with both. Could input 1 be defective on the PLC board? Please advise.

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