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Messages - LCW

Pages: [1]
Technical support / Re:Need help with motor control
« on: March 29, 2007, 11:07:25 PM »
Thank you! That did the trick. Is it possible to reverse the current to make motors turn the other way?

Technical support / Need help with motor control
« on: March 28, 2007, 01:37:47 PM »
Hi everyone,
I'm new to PLC and just got a T100MD888. I finished the tutorial on how to create the ladder logic and tbasic. I'm now trying to control a 5V motor using ON/OFF from the PLC. Using the online monitor and pause, I can click to turn digital output channel 1 on and off at will. I have connected the motor (with its own power source) to channel 1, and the ground to the PLC 0V.

Problem now is when I complete the circuit by connecting the motor to channel 1, the motor always turn on. Channel 1 and 2 LED will come on. No matter what I tried - turning channel 1 and 2 off, etc, the motor always runs. In short, motor always runs as long as PLC is on. What I'm trying to achieve is using a channel to turn the motor on and off.

Is is normal? I must be missing something  :( All help is appreciated.

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