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Messages - mtiller

Pages: [1]
Technical support / Re:T100MD+1616 Communication Issue
« on: August 07, 2006, 04:16:21 PM »
I smile every time I see your ad in Embedded Systems Programming.

Technical support / Re:T100MD+1616 Communication Issue
« on: August 04, 2006, 10:37:48 AM »
Thanks Exceedingly Much.
-Llama from the emperor's new school.

Technical support / Re:T100MD+1616 Communication Issue
« on: August 03, 2006, 02:48:20 PM »
You are THE MAN. Now we're working.Now,I need to correct my unit conversion. The LCD reads 5952 HEX. I'm injecting 250*C into the M-7019R and 5952 HEX is 228.66 *C, very close. Just need to adjust Type K thermocouple compensation. The EZTouch reads 1740 BCD. I'm going to change that in the EZTouch if I can. How do I convert the HEX to integer engineering units using MODBUS RTU on the PLC, COM#13, as I am now?

Code now, is as below,  EZTouch register tagname is 41001,
corresponding to DM[1].

SETLCD 0,1,CHR$(1)   ' Clear LCD screen
READMB2 13,2,0,DM[1],1
SETLCD 1,1,str$(DM[1])

May you host Silicon Spin at Embedded Parties everywhere.
Tokens of thanks going ground.<Mike>

Technical support / Re:T100MD+1616 Communication Issue
« on: August 03, 2006, 02:09:29 PM »
I'm trying it now....Thanks for responding so fast.-Mike

Technical support / T100MD+1616 Communication Issue
« on: August 03, 2006, 12:30:13 PM »
I need help with this EZTouch Touch Panel,EZP-S6C-F, communications issue. I am connecting the T100MD+1616 with the touch panel via RS-232. Com # 11 for Modbus RTU.{ WriteMB2 11,1,1001,DM[1],1 }gives me a checksum error. I am showing connected to the Touchscreen via the touchscreen software. Cable pin out is as recommended. I have addressed 41001 which should correspond to DM[1]. The manuals aren't helping me out. When I write { WriteMB2 11,1,101,DM[1],1} with address 40102 set, I display numeral 6361 on the touch screen.?

SETLCD   0,1,CHR$(1)   ' Clear LCD screen
READMB2  13,2,0,DM[20],1
SETLCD  1,1,str$(DM[20])
WRITEMB2  11,1,101,DM[20],1
READMB2  11,1,101,DM[1],1
SETLCD  2,1,str$(DM[1])

When I execute this code I get a HEX value returned to the LCD display line 1, corresponding to the output of the M-7019R signal condidtioner. I want to convert this to decimal as a first problem. I only get a zero returned to line 2.


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