Internet PLC Forum

General => Technical support => Topic started by: Mark Thouin on November 30, 2004, 04:19:59 PM

Title: Swipe Card Bar Code Readers
Post by: Mark Thouin on November 30, 2004, 04:19:59 PM
I'm interested in installing a swipe card reader to the MD-1616. Can anyone recommend one they might have used and (I know this is pushing it) share some code...
Title: Re:Swipe Card Bar Code Readers
Post by: support on December 01, 2004, 03:15:18 PM
As long as your bar code reader has an RS232 port and can output data in CR terminated ASCII format it is a piece of cake to read it into the PLC's RS232 port using the

A$ = INPUT$(1)

command. Once the data is read into PLC, you have at your disposal all the commands needed to extract the data or convert into numbers.