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Technical support / Re:RS485 communication
« on: August 19, 2013, 02:40:24 AM »

I was looking for a diagram for connecting a f2424 to a mmi6070h. Could you point me in the right direction?

Technical support / Re:Digimesh - 2 questions
« on: March 19, 2013, 06:57:43 PM »
I have to admit I have to drive 400kms this weekend to pick up my gear to start playing but yes it does all look ok.  ;D

Even my manuals etc are at my base camp.

To get the DIGIMESH stuff to work it has to be done in API mode to speed things up

Reading more in the  manual the only 2 things I can see is

there are a couple of charecters that have to be excaped and as such (from the manual)

"Escape characters. When sending or receiving a UART data frame, specific data values must be
escaped (flagged) so they do not interfere with the data frame sequencing. To escape an
interfering data byte, insert 0x7D and follow it with the byte to be escaped XOR?d with 0x20."

so can we do Xor'ing easily


all stuff has to be sent (and receieved) as hex. So there examples show each charecter having an 0x in front of it to apparently tell the radio its coming in hex. So I have to work out if I have to send that each charecter of simply once but can we do HEX easily?

Thanks guys

Technical support / Re:Digimesh - 2 questions
« on: March 19, 2013, 02:10:15 PM »
Thanks guys. Yeah I have been reading up the digi mesh stuff and its just a protocol sent in hex. Its packet based so shouldn't be hard. I have to operate them in API mode

You simply send a start byte, address of where etc. And even better, you can send a packet ID (number) so when a reply comes back, you can tell from which request it is in response to

I have also thinking on how to do it. So I am going to use a NANO10 I have laying around and talk to the digi unit via RS485. I have a 485 to digi adapter. So my intention is to poll the various remote units with the nano and write the values to memory etc. The main PLC can poll the nano via MODBUS TCP and so can my software. That way if responses are a bit slow, the main PLC isn't sitting waiting.

I will I reckon need a bit of help with the packet stuff but I need to set up a test bench first. Lets see what happens. Can you see any floors so far?

Technical support / Digimesh - 2 questions
« on: March 18, 2013, 02:03:13 AM »
Hi guys.

I am looking at using some xbee pro type units. the ones that do the DIGIMESH stuff.

I want to to use one module via the rs232 port on the 2424 and then simply the others without pc's connected. I need to be able to read and write to the remote I/O's etc to turn on and off remote appliances.

I have reviewed the documentation for both the 2424 and the mesh units and can't see that there will be a problem. IS there any samples out there?

Technical support / Re:Writting data to local PC
« on: January 13, 2013, 07:56:25 PM »
1) Secs, if you're still listening, could you tell me what software you use to pull data off the PLC?

Well I use a compnent in Delphi to read and write to the Modbus address. The software image with the dials etc is a stand alone program. It compiles into a exe written using Delphi 7. The Modbus component is a free component.
I then write it to MySql via tcp sockets...
Not sure if that helps.

PS: It polls the data every 10 seconds. I ran the thing basically non stop for about 5 months and eneded up with millions of records in the database.

Technical support / Re:Writting data to local PC
« on: August 20, 2012, 07:51:48 PM »
That's the best part about the way I do it and I am sure others. All my software does is query the master (the plc) to get the data. No code is added to the plc. I simply read a block of addresses. SO I give it a starting address and how many to read and the inbuilt modbus does the rest. If anything, I read the relays, inputs etc simply. I was looking to do it from the other end (plc) but like you, didn't want to tie it up doing stuff. In fact as an example, the outputs are read as 2 addresses only. They return a 16bit number and then in my software I have a function that decides if a particular bit (output or relay) is on or off

I am in no way saying you should do it this or any particular way, just showing how I do it. My database has about 1.5 mil records of power usage taken every 10 secs since April this year.

Technical support / Re:Writting data to local PC
« on: August 19, 2012, 10:44:00 PM »
I am not sure if this is going to help but I use Modbus to do it. In my case I have my software read the data from the f24 unit, write it to Mysql database, write it to a log file and display it. Never failed yet.

Technical support / problem with email F2424
« on: January 14, 2012, 01:18:46 AM »
Hi all.
I managed to get the email sending to work at some stage but it has been out of action for a while now. I need or would like to get it up again. My code is basicaly a copy of the exaple

' This function sends out an email to the address specified in the tag
' The SMTP server must be defined correctly using the Ethernet Configuration Tool
' provided by i-TRiLOGI version (6.3x or higher) software.
' ==============================================================

SETLCD 0,0,CHR$(1)  ' clear LCD screen

PRINT #4 "<EMAIL>" ' replace with your destination email
PRINT #4 "SENDER:"   ' should be a valid server address
PRINT #4 "SUBJECT: Your power has failed"
PRINT #4 "</>"      ' end the email.

Call rdComm4

SETLCD 1,1,"Email Response Code:" +STR$(date[3]) + ":" + STR$(date[2]) + " - " + STR$(TIME[1]) + ":" + STR$(TIME[2]) + ":" + STR$(TIME[3])
SETLCD 2,1, A$
SETLCD 3,1, STR$(date[3]) + ":" + STR$(date[2]) + " - " + STR$(TIME[1]) + ":" + STR$(TIME[2]) + ":" + STR$(TIME[3])
S = status(3) ' Status(3) = 1 if successful, 0 if failed.

and the rdcomm

' This function read a CR-terminated string received from COMM1 and
' the returned string is stored in A$.

FOR I = 1 to 10000
   A$ = INPUT$(4)

but no matter what, I get an error saying
err:04-not connected

Now I can see the log file of the mail server and it shows the system trying to connect and it doesnt say its not allowed or anything. I need some ideas guys to try.

Technical support / Re:Interupt and simulation
« on: January 11, 2011, 08:56:06 AM »
Thats fine. I was hoping thats the issue. Great product. I work with Allan Bradley stuff every day but love what I can do with this.

Technical support / Interupt and simulation
« on: January 11, 2011, 04:54:23 AM »

I can program in various fileds. I use delphi for windows and used to use a Pascal based language for my pic stuff. But I am new to this type. I can read ladder logic but never sought of had to program any. Electrician by trade

So yes I am a newbie.

I am just playing with a simple interup counter. I did a 1st scan type ladder that calls cust func 1 where I did a INTRDEF 10,10,1 and a SETLCD 1,1,"TEST" just so when I run it as a simulate, I could see that its executing the code. It is.

In cust func 10 I did a simple A = A + 1

Now what I was expecting was when clicking on input 12 (intr pin 10) I would see A inrement but it doesnt. Neither do I get success using the provided sample program.

Currently I dont have the F2424 hooked up and I am just using the simulation. What am I missing?

It seems so simple but I have no idea

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