Author Topic: f1616 functions  (Read 28798 times)


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f1616 functions
« on: February 07, 2010, 01:59:01 PM »
Is it possible to add extra functions to your PLC's?

I have created four functions that help me calculate true 32 bit floating point values within the tri PLC. I tested them in F1616.

Function Names:
1- CBin - to convert to Binary
2- CPower - to raise a base to a power of x
3- CFloat - Convert a 32 bit value on to floating point. it uses CBin and CPower.
4- CRegStr - Convert a float string like "2.3" in to 32bit integer store in 2 16bit registers.

Parameters for these functions are 32bit A to Z, DM[3000] +
, and V$,W$,X$,Y$,Z$.

Is it possible to add these functions in to any PLC as part of the repertoire?
I will only release these functions to TRi Research.

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Re:f1616 functions
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2010, 07:40:24 PM »
Thank you very much for your offer to release the functions to us. Do you mean to include these in the programming language? It may be a little hard to do it as standard functions since they have to use up some variables that other users may need.

There are plans for future generation of F-series to support floating point but this is still work in progress and there is no firm release dates yet.

However, if you have created these functions and wish to use them on your program but protect them from viewing there is a "View Protection" feature in i-TRiLOGI version 6.xx. You can then include these functions in your program but protected and then the rest of the program can call these functions directly in your application program.
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Re:f1616 functions
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2010, 10:11:44 AM »
Yes, to add them to the basic language within the PLC for easier use. I use these functions with Modbus TCP to read 32bit float from a Moore 535 PAC. This PAC?s doesn't support conversion from 32bit to 16bit integer i.e.: 123.45 can't be converted to 123. My problem was that I had to send these 32bit values as integers to an AB PLC that did not support 32bit float.  Now thanks to your product I?m able to truncate these 32bit values in to integers and write them to the AB PLC. Yet, another functionality that can be done with the F and M+ series PLC a ?Modbus Gateway?.

Are you guys working on a syntax highlighter for the function editor? Is a lot easier to read when you have a lot of lines.

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