I dont want to cange the password of the PLC
I want to use 1 plc at the door hooked to a key pad and the door release hooked to one of the plc's relays
Enter a 6 digit code, The door plc will send a request to the master plc "is this ______ code valid.
the master plc will then look up the code in its table and if it is valid send remote command to the door plc to open relay for N seconds
if the code is not valid it will send a pulse to a counter on the door plc
if the door plc receves 3 not valid pulses then it will time out reading of the keypad of 900 Seconds
You said there are many good Access systems out there to do this that is true!
But i would like to use your system to do this because over all it will be cost efective
and i need to do other things like turn lights on, turn fans on, monitor status of doors closed,locked, as well as room temp.
cant find many door access systems that will let me do that.
not to mention HVAC system and alarm system
So here it is in a nut shell
I Am looking to use 17 plc's maybe the same number of HMI
are you willing to help and give me a simple application note on how to do it?

Yes i know that requiers some work on your part, But it will also help you make sales to others. Dont you think others are looking at the support pages and saying what a dumb answer (go buy a good access system) why not just tell people to use an allen bradly PLC
the you dont have to do any work.
back to the subject
Or should i take my business to lets say WWW.COMFILETECH.COM
who also has Basic + Ladder programming PLC and lots of application Help and notes.
I have spent 1000.00 on your system but i could always dump it on ebay and go with CUBLOC System?
Don't you know the support is what makes the product.
Sorry for the additude but as i read through this forum all i see is basic answers to everyone.
And I think I have been verry detailed about what i would like to accomplish.
I am going to purchase there CUTouch system and a keypad interface since i need to add a touch screen anyway and test see wich one does the job better or in my case wich system has the quickest learning curve and best tech support.