Author Topic: TLServer21.jar may not like J2SE 1.5.0  (Read 11497 times)


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TLServer21.jar may not like J2SE 1.5.0
« on: November 10, 2005, 07:52:29 PM »
Below is a dump of the error message.  There is a real COM1 on this laptop and it works with all the miriad of other PLC packages I use.  The editor, TL53.jar is working fine.  A side note:  The reason why I have not reported this earlier is because this is the first time I personally tried to program our T100MD+.  The usual laptop is not here for me to compare with at the moment.

Installation Directory = C:\APPS\TRiLOGI\TL5/
Serialio.SerialPortLocal: version 9.1: build 9104
Copyright (c) 1996-2002, All Rights Reserved."Windows 98"  os.arch="x86"
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jspWin in java.library.path: Check that nativ
e library jspWin is in proper directory
Serial ports reported by system:
COM1;COM2;COM3;COM4;fsdir = C:\APPS\TRiLOGI\TL5/FileService/
Getting Server IP addresses from O/S
IP Address 1 = acer-tm220/
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: SerOpenPort
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: SerOpenPort
        at Serialio.SerialPortLocal.SerOpenPort(Native Method)
        at Source)
        at Serialio.SerialPortLocal.<init>(Unknown Source)
        at b.f.a(Unknown Source)
        at Source)
        at TLServer21.TLServer.<init>(Unknown Source)
        at TLServer21.TLServer.main(Unknown Source)


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Re:TLServer21.jar may not like J2SE 1.5.0
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2005, 08:10:36 PM »
Ah-ha!  Just noticed the missing library error.  :>

I found it in the "TRiLOGI/TL5/java lib" directory.  No idea where the lib should be located so I just copied it into good old c:/windoze and away it went.  :)



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Re:TLServer21.jar may not like J2SE 1.5.0
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2005, 11:25:31 AM »
Everytime you install a new Java update, a new Java folder is created on your PC which become the default JRE. However, since the new JRE did not have the serial driver file "jspwin.dll" that is installed only during installation of the TRiLOGI program, TLServer could not find the serial driver and it threws and exception and close.

That's why we always recommend installing the TRiLOGI software AFTER installing the JRE. But if you upgrade the JRE after the TRiLOGI software has been installed, and would prefer not to re-install TRiLOGI again, then what you can do is to double click on the file: "instserialio.exe" that you can find inside the folder:

  C:\TRiLOGI\TL5\java lib

This will immediately install the serial driver "jspwin.dll"  to the new JRE subfolder although there will not be any screen report that this has been done. Usually the library file is installed at the following folder which is where JRE will look for a 3rd party driver:

  C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_xx\lib\ext\x86

Copying of jspwin.dll to the Windows folder will also work if the JRE bothers to check Windows folder to see if the missing file can be found there. So apparently your JRE 1.5 does check Windows folder and managed to find the jspwin.dll file there and it works in your case.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2005, 11:27:29 AM by support »
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Re:TLServer21.jar may not like J2SE 1.5.0
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2005, 10:04:53 PM »
You beauty!  It also put a "serialio.jar" in .../lib/ext/



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Re:TLServer21.jar may not like J2SE 1.5.0
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2006, 03:27:41 PM »
If you have downloaded JRE 1.4.2 from Java website, it often ask you if you want to upgrade to JRE 1.5.x   DON'T !! TRiLOGI is now tested and run well under JRE 1.4.2 and there may be unexpected problems if you upgrade to JRE 1.5.x

Having tested the TRiLOGI 6.1 software under Java JRE 1.5.0 we did encounter some display issues. What used to work perfectly under JRE 1.4.2 suddenly don't t work in JRE 1.5.0 anymore. We will document what we encounter below. We welcome user report of other problems:

1) The Find text function doesn't highlight the text that was found in the Custom function editor window. You need to stop the search and then click on the Custom Function Editor in order for the highlight to show up. We believe this could be a bug introduced in JRE 1.5.0. Hopefully future JRE 1.5.x will eliminate this problem.

2) On JRE 1.5.x using the -user.language=xx option to force the TRiLOGI to run in another locate resulted in all the text on the menu being shown as small square blocks instead of showing the non-English language menu.  The PC must be set into another locale using the "Regional & Language" option in order for the locale-specific text to appear correctly. While this issue will not affect English language TRiLOGI users, other language user should bear this in mind when trying to run TRiLOGI version 6.1 in another language mode.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2006, 04:17:09 PM by support »
Tel: 1-877-TRI-PLCS