You can refer to the SETIO, CLRIO & TOGGLEIO command in the TRiLOGI Programmer's reference guide for description and example on how to use this function. These are really meant to be straightforward operation on an I/O label name.
These functions are meant to work on the single bit element such as input bits, output bits, relay bits, timer bits and counter bits. So yes, you can use TOGGLEIO on the input bit, but what happen is that you are only going to change the input bit momentarily for the rest of the ladder logic up to the last rung. Once the CPU scan past the last rung of the ladder program, it will update its internal input bit status from the actual physical inputs. So the input will assume whatever real physical input status.
Likewise if an output relay, timer or counter is controlled by the other part of the program, then the TOGGLEIO will only change the bit at the moment of execution until it is being changed by other parts of the program.
I don't think you can use parenthesis in a I/O label name. So you should stick to using only A to Z and underscore for the label names.