Author Topic: non-volitile memory  (Read 16767 times)

Mark York

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non-volitile memory
« on: July 18, 2005, 04:56:35 PM »
I'm using the T100MD1616+ to control the position of a hydraulic cylinder (the cylinder has a position sensor attached that gives a 0-5 volt linear signal over the length of the stroke). The extend and retract positions need to be infinately programmable and the values stored in non-volitile memory.
Is the custom function DM1=ADC1*5000/4096 stored in volitile memory? Should I be using the new commands SAVE_EEP and LOAD_EEP? There are no samples of how they work and the variables in the TBASIC commands are confusing (to me). Can you give me an more clear example or is there a better way?
Thank you


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Re:non-volitile memory
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2005, 11:39:16 PM »
DM values are nornally non-volatile unless you have purchased and installed the MX-RTC option which allows the DM data to be saved after power down.

You can also save data that you want to be non volatile into EEPROM by using the SAVE_EEP command. However, during execution of the SAVE_EEP command all interrupt to the systems are disabled. Also EEPROM has life span of 100K rewrite cycle, so it is not meant to be used to store data that changing all the time. Its main purpose is to store some configuration data that can be retrieved after the PLC is power up.  See the example "EEPROM.PC5" in the "TriLOGI\TL5\usr\samples" folder for examples on how to save the data into EEPROM.
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