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question on D.O.


hey i bought the t100md+ and i have a question regarding D.O.
when the led is on the Output is off and when the led is off the output is on is that corect...?

i check with my m.mitter and the above is what i got
Led on = off
Led off = On
that's the way it is....

The reason that it appears the outputs are ON as you said when the LED is off is because they are DC Sink outputs.  That is, when they are logical 1 (ON) they SINK to ground.  If you are testing output voltage to ground then you will see inverted logic (Outputs are internally pulled up to +V).  In order for the outputs to respond in true logic, the + terminal of the powersupply should be connected to the + of the load and the ground or negative terminal of the load should be then connected to the output terminal.  The output will be +V (24 or 12V) when off and 0 volts (approx.) when on.

By applying 0 volts (ground terminal) to the negative of the load (relay, solenoid, motor etc.) is just like putting a switch in the negative wire rather than the more conventional positive wire.

I hope this helps.



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