Author Topic: Make LED's display the binary equivalent of an ASCII value.  (Read 12470 times)


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Is there any way, using TBASIC to display the binary equivalent of an ASCII value? Say I input the number 2, I want the LED's to light up in the pattern representing 2's Hex equvalent ($32) in binary: 0011 0010. The way I have it set up now is a tedious procedure of checking (in TBASIC logic) what number 0-9 is being passed in, and then manually lighting up the LED's. For my project, I need to process large numbers and display their BCD equivalents on the output LED's, performing this manually isn't really an option.



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Re:Make LED's display the binary equivalent of an ASCII value.
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2004, 09:49:14 PM »
It is really easy with TBASIC!

Say if A$ contains a decimal or hexadecimal string (00 to FF) of an ascii number, then:

    OUTPUT[1] = VAL(A$)   ' if A$ contains decimal form of the number
    OUTPUT[1] = HEXVAL(A$) ' if A$ contains hexadecimal form.
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