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altivar31 torque via can



I'm trying to communicate a Beckhoff CANOpen master with 11 Schneider altivar31.

The parameters have been entered in the altivar and now the communication is going OK (I can set the desired speed and I can change the drive status).

the only problem is that I cannot get the torque in any way.

I've parametrized the 1a05 parameter (the pdo 6 mapping) in this way:

1a05:0:1:0x4 (# of elements)
1a05:1:4:0x60410010 (taking a look to the eds file this is the ETAD)
1a05:2:4:0x60440010 (taking a look to the eds file this is the LFRD)
1a05:3:4:0x20020510 (this should be the LCR (current))
1a05:4:4:0x20020610 (this should be the OTR (torque))

the curious thing is that I don't understand why the bolded ones seem not to be ok, I receive this message when I try to start up the new configuration:

BoxState: SDO data mismatch at StartUp
SDO-Upload-Error 0x 1a05, SI 3: expected value: 0x20020510, received value: 0x0
1 Emergencies stored

does anybody know why?

Do I need to do anything else before?

If I put a 0 there, then I get the same message for the index 0x20020610...

Thank you in advance.

The Technial Support forum is only for users of TRi PLC and peripheral products and hence this is moved to "General Discussion" board.


this Problem is a killer I spent 1 Week to fix it.
You have to go as per Beckhoff help for EL6751
see picture

if you have Questions --> Email


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