Lets say on the first scan i want to read these 8 values just one time, and load them in to DM. That is not a problem if you will show me how to adress these area's.
The Problem is getting the values into the eprom, when you only want to write them one time, you cant use the first scan bit , because the values you want to write to eprom has not been written from the computer yet, so how can you do this without writing them over and over again. The values I'm talking about are high and low limits
that determin whether or not to start a motor , if there isnt
a value in the DM where i compare the A/I to the Limit then
the motor will start. I dont want the motor's starting just because i reset the plc. Hopefully you see what im talking about. What is the adress range of these 1700 words
and how do you write to and read from the first one. Thanks