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Anyone in Vancouver BC using Trilogic Products?


Hey, just wondering if anyone in the Lower Mainland is using Trilogic products, I would like to see an application.  Thinking about using them in my application and would like to talk to someone about ease of use and development.  Drop me a line, I like what I see so far.

Bill Sullivan:
Have used in several applications --- love the product.

Bill Sullivan

Thats great Bill, what type of systems have you used them on, if you don't mind me asking?  I would love to see how you set it up.


Will Steed

Bill Sullivan:

Sorry for delay getting back --side tracked on project in Brazil --and to tell you the truth ,I forgot about this communication.

Products and service is fantastic.

I have been using the product for process control and for sending "process measurements ie temperature read from IR sensor conncected to analog inputs or production counts via "switch closing/ opening" to acuate custom function or via information via bar-code scanner fed into RS232.

Output informaton is being sent to the LCD display available from TriPlC or sent to large 2.3"/4" LED diaplay arrays of multiple digits being driven from the RS485 port.

Have you used the product --or tried any of the programming.

If you have plans to come to Seattle we could meet and share experiences.


Bill thanks for the reply, Brazil, sounds interesting.  

I have a small hydraulic and motion control company and am in the development stage for several applications using the software.  I really enjoy using it so far, have been mainly focused on the analog in/out's and PWM outputs for control of hydaulic proportional valves.  Working on a low cost, programmable press brake control right now.

The bar code idea is interesting, I was thinking of using the same thing to track stock of hydraulic fittings.

I do get down to Seattle once in a while, the wife and I may be taking a shopping trip down that way soon, likewise if you ever get up to Vancouver, we will have to meet to discuss.

Once again, thanks for the reply, did you get a good tan in Brazil?

Take care

Will Steed


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