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VBasic comms

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thank you,,
let me try it..

by the way,,
i wanna ask about the data,,,
it says

can u describe about the data?

from my simple ladder,if i wanna turn on the output i have to execute input in channel 01..
but what number i should put on the data?
is it just any number or i have to define it in the ladder or what?
thank you

These host commands are for a external host computer or an external PLC to access the PLC's internal I/O via Serial Port or Ethernet port.  These are NOT commands to be used in the ladder program.

What you need to do in the ladder program is to define a label name for each I/O you are using and then create the ladder program by picking the I/O from the I/O definition table.

The channel 01 for say the "WI01" command maps to the input #9 to #16. So if your external PC sends a "WI01FF" serial command to the PLC it will turn on the input #9 to #16. But because the inputs will be refreshed by the PLC program when it does an I/O scan it will be changed again immediately. But the PLC program can actually pick up the effect.

A better demo is to use "WO01FF" which will write to output #9 to #16 and if these are not controlled by the PLC program then they will stay ON after you send the command.


--- Quote from: support on August 08, 2010, 12:30:28 PM ---These host commands are for a external host computer or an external PLC to access the PLC's internal I/O via Serial Port or Ethernet port.  These are NOT commands to be used in the ladder program.
--- End quote ---

yes, actually i wanna controlled a PLC T100MD1616+ through vb as GUI.
im using vb sample from
and im working on it right now

--- Quote from: support on August 08, 2010, 12:30:28 PM ---The channel 01 for say the "WI01" command maps to the input #9 to #16. So if your external PC sends a "WI01FF" serial command to the PLC it will turn on the input #9 to #16.
--- End quote ---

Ooh i see it and i have tried it...
but can i turn on the input #9 without make the input #10 to #16 turn on?
thank you

Please use the Wb command if you wish to turn on a single bit.


--- Quote from: support on August 08, 2010, 11:04:10 PM ---Please use the Wb command if you wish to turn on a single bit.

--- End quote ---

thank you for the answer




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