Gary's suggestion is mostly correct - Thanks for the great explanation about the behavior between MOSFET and Bipolar.
What is the peak current draw by your solenoid? What is the longest duration that the solenoid will be energized?
The output 17-24 on the Fx2424 are MOSFET that can handle peak current of 1A but continuous current should be kept < 250mA. They also have short circuit protection so are reasonably robust.
If the solenoid are energized only briefly (a few seconds) and then turned OFF you probably should be able to parallel two or more of the outputs to handle the high current. But if you expect the solenoid to be energized most of the time then a higher current external buffer is recommended. You can construct one quite easily using P-channel MOSFET with the PLC's output driving the gate. (see below image that found on Google)