I have used TL Server running on a customer's PLC for the purpose of having the PLC write directly to data logging files on the customer's PC. I ran into issues with this approach and found that data was periodically lost between the PLC and TL Server.
As you indicated that your are using a Fx1616BA PLC, you do have a big junk of memory that is optimized to allow you to create text files that are easily accessible via FTP (Filezilla ...).
I use the following TBASIC code to write the current system configuration out to file that is accessible via FTP:
' WriteSysConf - create system configuration file
PRINT #8 "<WRITE Z020.TXT>" ' Open file
a = Status(2)
i = SysConf_I16 ' index into EEPROM data
' #1 Configuration file identifier
PRINT #8 "<SystemSetup>";"\0d\0a";
' #2 Installation name
PRINT #8 Load_EEP$(SystemName_S);"\09Installation Name\0d\0a";
' #3 Tanks in use Binary map
a = Load_EEP(i) : i = i + 1
PRINT #8 "&h";Hex$(a,4);"\09Tanks in Use Map\0d\0a";
' #4..11 tank connection map for each filler
for n = 1 to 8
a = Load_EEP(i) : i = i + 1
PRINT #8 "&h";Hex$(a,4);"\09Filler #";str$(n);" Connection Map\0d\0a";
' the bulk of the code has been deleted as this is just an example
PRINT #8 "<EOF>";"\0d\0a"; ' End of file marker
PRINT #8 "</>" ' Close file
This file can be accessed remotely in a couple of ways:
- FTP (FileZilla). My PLC is at
With FTP you can copy the file from the PLC, you can delete the file from the PLC and you can replace the file on the PLC.
- Internet broszer. Enter "". The contents of the text file will be displayed:
Putney Garage Installation Name
&h0007 Tanks in Use Map
&h0007 Filler #1 Connection Map
&h0000 Filler #2 Connection Map
&h0000 Filler #3 Connection Map
&h0000 Filler #4 Connection Map
&h0000 Filler #5 Connection Map
&h0000 Filler #6 Connection Map
&h0000 Filler #7 Connection Map
&h0000 Filler #8 Connection Map
I use the FTP approach to manage 30+ PLC systems. I use the same PLC firmware for all 30+ systems. But, each is configured for the specific installation using customized ASCII configuration file(s).
Best Regards,
Gary D*ckinson