Thanks for your reply
Is the FMD88-10 the master to read 32-bit data from a slave device?
Yes, FMD88-10 is Master device and I want to read/write data from a cluster Controller(Slave Device).
All Modbus registers are accessed in 16-bit only. To access 32-bit data you normally would need to read two adjacent Modbus registers into two DM16[] and access them as a DM32[] variable.
I have tried in this way before.
The PLC handles number in Big Endian. If the slave (server) arrange the data in Little Endian you will need to use TBASIC to swap the two adjacent DMs so that the are arranged in Big Endian.
okay, Thank you.
I was trying to read from SMA Cluster Controller's INPUT Register(register number 30005, datatype U32) which contain Serial number of this device but PLC is unable to do that. I have attached my TBASIC code along with SMA cluster controller's Modbus data manager with this reply. please find the attachments and please help me to solve this problem