We found that in most cases the screen number is visible in the screen properties below the screen name. However, the screen number will not be displayed in screens used by tasks such as "Goto Screen Number x"
It appears that some screens still don't show the screen number even though there is no apparent task interacting with it, so we are investigating this further to see if there are other reasons that the screen number would not be visible.
It is possible to duplicate screens, which will create an exact copy of the screen in the next available slot. You can do this by right-clicking on the screen name in the "Screens" directory.
The duplicate screen will have a new number corresponding to the available slot and a default name. Both of these properties can be changed after. If you are unable to delete the original screen (with the intention of reinserting the duplicate screen after), then you can leave it unused and switch any task interactions to the duplicate screen. Both the original screen and duplicate screen can be renamed such that the duplicate screen takes the name of the original screen since it is now being used in your program.