Author Topic: copy paste issue  (Read 10922 times)


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copy paste issue
« on: August 31, 2015, 10:34:35 AM »
I have 7.1 build  02

In custom function editor if I highlight a variable name to copy it and press (cntrl_C) key the PC bell rings each time I press enter. The copy paste works but the bell is annoying.

Sure would be nice if you could highlight and paste using the mouse left and right mouse keys without the keyboard control keys - like PCs have done for many years.

Also not showing source of variable or custom function usage of variable when hover over the variable.


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Re:copy paste issue
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2015, 01:28:34 PM »
Thank you for your feedback.

When you highlight a string of text the editor try to check if it is a keyword, an I/O label name or a #Define name. If it can't find it then it will sound a bell to indicate that the selected text is unknown. Are you using DEFINELOCAL for your variable name? DEFINELOCAL is not checked and that could be the reason.

Anywhere inside the custom function editor you should be able to right click and get a popup menu that contains item such as copy and paste as shown in the following screen shot:

When you hover over a variable name defined in the #DEFINE table it will shows its value and the item it represents. If you highlight it it will then show the usage in the Help pane (just like in previous version 7.0x). However, again DEFFINELOCAL name are not checked by the editor.
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Re:copy paste issue
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2015, 02:18:41 PM »
Example from custom function:


If I highlight the H#, as soon as I release the mouse left button for highlighting:

   the H# remains highlighted in yellow in text
   and the bell rings
   I do not get fly away that shows selections for copy, paste etc

I can paste this selected text with Cntrl V into the find text window.

After pasting text if I mouse click on anyplace in custom function box the highlighting of text in yellow is returned to normal.
I am running Java 8 Update 40

I also still have Java 2 SE v1.4.2_19 on the PC

Must old Java be removed entirely?
« Last Edit: August 31, 2015, 02:30:27 PM by cch1955 »


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Re:copy paste issue
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2015, 04:53:16 PM »
We have tested with Java 8_40 and Java8_60 and both Java we have no problems right-click to obtain the popup menu. Can you confirm that you did right-click inside the custom function editor and was not able to see the popup menu?

The beep sound turn out to be something Java 7/8 added in when it can't find a help file. When you select a text string the program will try to see if there is a help file of the same name. Before Java 7 if the text is not found it will simply ignore. But Java 7 and 8 automatically add in a beep sound when it doesn't find the file.

We will have to try some workaround to reduce this annoying beeping sound when you select a line of text that is not a defined name, keyword or I/O label.
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Re:copy paste issue
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2015, 11:15:05 PM »
We have released Build 04 of the new i-TRiLOGI 6.50 and 7.10 beta. This new build fixed the issue you reported about the annoying alert bell when you select a variable. It also improves on the variable selection such that if you double click a variable it will select the whole variable including the "_" and the variable comment appended to the variable name.  Eg.  


Double-clicking the above will highlight the entire name including the variable comment. The software will report the value of C$ correctly when you mouse over, single click on double-click on the string.

This release also fixed the Cut and Paste issue reported by Gary D*ickinson  as seen in the following forum thread:;action=display;threadid=2176;start=15
« Last Edit: August 31, 2015, 11:18:20 PM by support »
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Re:copy paste issue
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2015, 08:15:35 AM »
I thank you for your rapid response addressing these development issues.

If I go into custom function and select variable name while holding down left mouse key, variable name highlight in yellow and remains in yellow until I right click.

When I right click:

selected text turns back to white background (no yellow)

pop up menu for copy paste etc. appears and looks selectable

when I select COPY in appearing menu list and left click no apparent action takes place. previously selected text stays appearing as not selected

If I move to find box and do Ctrl V to paste previously selected yellow text  into box - text does not paste, only item that was last cut from previous copy - paste operation still in buffer .


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Re:copy paste issue
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2015, 08:37:15 AM »
I downloaded the latest Beta 7.10 build 4

Double click on variable name does select entire name as desired

If I right click while selected copy paste menu does appear

selecting copy not putting selected text into buffer to be pasted

if I do same select operation and Ctrl C to copy the selected text is in buffer and can be pasted with Ctrl V

Also now when select variable , in lower window other custom functions using this variable do display correctly

But current value for variable does not display after = sign as desired. I tried even inserting simple declaration such as A=45 in the custom function being edited and lower window shows A = 0 for variable value

The new features and up to date Java are great improvement, thanks for continuing to develop this fine product. New features very helpful and will save much time and money in development.


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Re:copy paste issue
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2015, 09:37:40 AM »
We will check on the issue of popup menu not copying the selected text. It could again be a Java 7/8 issue like what Gary D reported in his earlier thread and require some work around.

The value of the variable is what was last executed. If your program put A = 45, the program must be run so that A actually is assigned the value of 45. Just having it in the program code does not cause the variable to be assigned the value until the program is either run in the simulator or on the PLC.

So please either run the simulator or go online monitoring. Then you can check the value of A on the view variable screen vs what you see on the custom function editor when you mouse over the variable. This works on all our test. Do let us know if this is not the case.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2015, 09:38:23 AM by support »
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Re:copy paste issue
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2015, 11:00:14 AM »
In simulation mode this does display correct value for the variable.

I can understand that variables that are generated from calculations or tests would not show correctly in this mode. I thought simple declarations  such as (A=45) done in startup equates would be shown - they generally don't change from program actions.

I think in manual on this feature you should make a statement that this feature does not show values for program variables unless in simulation or online monitoring. Even simple declarations in other custom functions will not be displayed unless the program is running.


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Re:copy paste issue
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2015, 12:41:17 PM »
Thank you for your feedback. Yes, the fact that the mouse over only shows the last variable value either from simulation or online monitoring will be mentioned in the manual that we are working on. In fact in our news announcement of the new software we did mention that if you want to get the current value of the variable you need to have the online monitoring screen running.  See the comments below:

2) Mouse-over help on variable, defined name or I/O label. You can now move your mouse over a variable name, an I/O label name or  a defined name (via the #Define table) and the software will report its value and the source (what kind of I/O or the actual variable name of a defined name).

If the online monitoring screen is open, mouse over will give you a real time report of the actual value of the variable. If the online monitoring screen is closed, then mouse over will give you the last retrieved value stored in the software. For debugging you should keep the online monitoring window opened.

Note that a statement such as A = 5 is not a declaration but an assignment.  This is because A is a variable and not a constant label. In fact you can have a declaration using the #Define table.  E.g. You can define PI  as 3.1416 in the #Define Table and you can the use PI in your program. That is indeed a declaration and when you mouse over PI it should give you the declared value of 3.1416. However, since this is not a variable there is no assigned value. It just tells you what it is defined as when you mouse over.

Note the reverse lookup of defined name in the online monitoring of variables. This can be very useful e.g. if you click on DM[123] and if DM[123] is defined with a name in the #Define table it will tell you the name.

« Last Edit: September 01, 2015, 12:45:32 PM by support »
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Re:copy paste issue
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2015, 11:01:25 PM »
We have released the build 05 of the iTRiLOGI 6.50 and 7.10. This release addresses some issue that Gary D reported in another thread, but it also fixes the issue you reported regarding right clicking on a highlighted text and select "Copy". In the previous version when you right click on highlighted text the highlight will disappear, which could explain why the text was not copied into the clipboard.  We have fixed this issue and now when you right click on a highlighted text it will stay highlighted and when you select "Copy" from the popup menu it should copy the text into the clipboard properly.

If you have a chance please give it a try and let us know if what you have reported has been resolved.

Thank you.
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Re:copy paste issue
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2015, 09:40:34 AM »
Beta version 7.1 build 5 resolves the highlight and copy issue. Appreciate the fix.

In order to paste the copied text into the find window, you must use Ctrl-V . If I right click the neither the typical PC paste action nor the previous copy-paste menu appears. Not sure if this is what you intended, seems like an opportunity to improve the flow of the paste process.



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Re:copy paste issue
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2015, 12:22:56 PM »
Right click on any part of the custom function editor should open the popup menu and allowing you to paste the copied text to the new location of the caret. This should work just like on any text editor.

You are correct that the popup menu is not linked to the Find and Replace text box. We will look into adding a popup menu to these two boxes as per your suggestion. Thank you for the valuable feedback.
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