U= ADC(1)/10 ?'this is the input from the lm35 temprature chip
IF U < 60 'turn heater on
SETIO Heater
SETLCD 0,1,CHR$(1) ?' clear screen
SETLCD 1,1,"_______AURIUM_______ "
SetLCD 2,1, ""
SetLCD 3,1, " Warming Au Solution"
SETLCD 4,1,"___________________"+CHR$(126)
IF U > 63
CLRIO Heater
T = T+1 ?' Variable T is used as a timer.
A = T/3600 ? ? ? ? ?' Hour
B = (T MOD 3600)/60 ' Minute
C = T MOD 60 ? ? ? ?' seconds.
T$ = STR$(A)+":"+STR$(B)+":"+STR$(C)+" ? ? "
SETLCD 0,1,CHR$(1) ?' clear screen
SetLCD 2,1," ? ?Plating Time ? ?"
SETLCD 3,1," ? ? ?"+T$
SETLCD 4,1,"____________________"
Y=665+J 'set the speed of the motor
g = x - (j+80) 'adjust the current
SETDAC 1,y 'motor control
SETDAC 2,g 'set the current
IF m = 1 and T >= 25200 ? ' 7 hours = 25200 seconds.
CLRIO Heater
CLRIO CurrentRly
CLRIO Temp_Cont
SETLCD 2,1," Process Completed!"
SETLCD 3,1," ?Remove Copings "
SetDac 2,3800
IF m = 2 and T >= 32400 ? ' 9 hours = 32400 seconds.
CLRIO Heater
CLRIO CurrentRly
CLRIO Temp_Cont
SETLCD 2,1," Process Completed!"
SETLCD 3,1," ?Remove Copings "
SetDac 2,3800
i wonder if you can help me with this problem that i have i have removed the relay thermostat that i had and replaced it with the lm35 into the adc(1) this should make reading the tempreture more accurate. Now for the problem. ?i want to show the first screen warming until the temp is reached. then i want to show the screen palting and the timer to start but i also need the temp to be consistant so cutting in at 58 and cut out at 62 how can i customise this to give me this please
thanks Karen