This morning, I updated the current Java Version 9, and late afternoon (GMT -5) there was a new update available (Update 9 (build 1.7.0_09-b05) which I installed, and things started working. It seems strange that there would be 2 updates close together, and problem solved. Here's what I think I did. All the Windows 8 compatibilities are set: none, and no admin...
1: Install j2re-1_4_2_19-windows-i586-p.exe
2: Install Java 9 update from Java control panel update.
3: Install the Java Access Bridge fix per: It's not too difficult. I found some files changed size by ? or 2. Some files were older, and others newer than installed. I used the newest files in all cases.
4: Install: SetupTL645b4.exe
5: Set the shortcuts for the desktop, start, and startup for only server to:
Desktop: C:\TRiLOGI\TL6\TL6Launcher.exe
Start: C:\TRiLOGI\TL6\TL6Launcher.exe
Startup: "C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_19\bin\java.exe" -jar TLServer31.jar
Everything seems to be working OK, but would like to see Tlserver start minimized, but for some reasons when setting the shortcut properties to minimized start, it doesn't start at all.
Hope this helps, and thanks again for the prompt replies.