A topping charge for two batteries could be 14.4 x 2 = almost 29 volts. This wouldn't be an issue for the Nano? I agree batteries have nice smooth power, but the Nano still has to be online when the batteries are getting recharged, so there will be voltage well over the 24+5%= 25.2v referenced in the spec.
The DC-DC power supply I mentioned is less than or equal to most the SLA batteries I'm looking at, and it would likely last longer than one battery. There is no cost argument in favor of 24 volt that I can see.
On the Nano, 1&2 outputs sinking, 3&4 relays activated, 1-4 inputs sunk to ground, and the analogs pulling the maximum allowed, how many watts will the Nano use? If someone doesn't recall immediately, there is design and testing notes for reference, no?
There is another reason to want everything but the Nano at 12 volts. The dc-dc power supply has a 30% loss.