I've been testing today and i dont think the setsystem command works from within the program.........
I thought maybe the setsystem line may have been trying to send a 0 from DM[65] if the auto ID code had not finished although this shouldn't be possible because the CF should finish before moving on to another CF.......
I tried:
IF DM[65] > 1
SETSYSTEM 8, DM[65] ' Set Device ID ti IPaddress last three values
IF DM[65] > 1
SETSYSTEM 8,&H2 ' Set Device ID ti IPaddress last three values
Instead of using a 1st scan I have used a NC relay contact (ID_Set) to call the code. if the value of DM[65] is grater than 1 set the system ID with the value from DM[65]. when done set the relay to stop the code being called again until reboot etc
The value of DM[65] can be anything from 1 to 255.
This didn't work so i tried setting the ID with a fixed &H2 but this didn't work either?

Any Ideas appreciated!