Author Topic: HTML FILES NANO10  (Read 8512 times)


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« on: February 23, 2011, 03:51:01 PM »
Saludos amigos de foro
hago a ustedes la siguiente consulta:luego de programar un nano 10, este funciona perfecto, modifique los archivos HTML segun explicacion de manual de referencias, transferi estos archivos modificados y funcionaron bien pero luego de algunos dias cuado lo deseo monitorear via web no se refresca los caracteres en el display (inserte funcion de desplazamiento de caracteres en display) y solo se mueven los caracteres si presiono refresh pero de inmediato se queda congelado
y no se que puede pasar por que inicialmente me funciono sin problemas
cualquier sugerencia o ayuda estere muy agradecido


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« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2011, 05:25:25 AM »
If you would like English language members to respond to your problem please post your question in English, or use Google translate to translate it then post. Otherwise we take it that you are waiting for some Spanish language capable members to assist you.
Tel: 1-877-TRI-PLCS


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« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2011, 04:35:07 PM »
Did you purchase the PLC from a distributor? You can try to go through your distributor to get answers either directly or indirectly.

If the web page has been working and the PLC program has been working and then it suddenly stop working, it is likely to be a network related issue.

Do you mean no graphic display on the web browser? Is your PLC connected to the Internet? The 0.htm uses JPG file downloaded from an external web server and if there is no internet connection then it won't load.

Are you able to connect to the PLC to do online monitoring using TRiLOGI software? If you are able to monitor it then check the status of the memory bits and I/Os and find out why it is not displaying what you are expecting?

Tel: 1-877-TRI-PLCS


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« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2011, 04:53:33 PM »
traducci?n del espa?ol al ingl?s
Yes, I purchased the nano plc to an authorized dealer for Colombia,
 I can minitor a trilogy if problems and the characters display.
 plc responds well to commands from TRiLOGI has internet connection and loads the jpg file I can see it in my browser from web site receives orders and runs smoothly
 is the displacement of the characters in the display that I have flaws (I insert a function to display the characters that are displaced, good morning, good night so this is what you visualize in line 1 of display from the web, I have already tried to solve the problem anyway but I could not) hope that the translator is clear enough that I can help


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« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2011, 08:13:14 PM »
Since you can do online monitoring from i-TRiLOGI all is well with the PLC.

So your problem is with the virtual LCD display shown on the web browser?  If you have modified the 0.htm file it could be a problem with your modifications. You can load back the original 0.htm (the link is in the manual) and try again.
Tel: 1-877-TRI-PLCS


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« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2011, 10:13:14 AM »

traducci?n del espa?ol to ingles

Support gentlemen, if I edit the 0.html and Transferis the plc probe nano and it worked well for several days, then stopped working and transferred the original file but it is the fault 0.html
 from TRiLOGI works (character displacement occurs in virtual lcd) but supervision web via the LCD characters do not move
 dont know what else to do, my client is upset, and I kind of worried
 Thanks for your answers


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« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2011, 09:33:22 PM »
It doesn't make sense that the web page works several day and then stop working. What if you re-fresh the web page? Does it work again?

If you say that our 0.htm file works well all the time and your own modified 0.htm file does not work properly, then you have to get someone who is good with Javascript to help you. We only advise simple level 1 modification of the 0.htm file but any more complex javascript is outside of tech support responsibility.
Tel: 1-877-TRI-PLCS