Trilogi 6.31 with a T100MD plc. I understand with version 6.2, the underscore is used to define a comment after a contact name. I had been using the "_" (underscore) to make the names more readable, and the before the "_" is frequently the same. There are many of these.
But it appears the program is working OK, or maybe haven't noticed issues. Currently I'm trying to add a few custom functions and contacts.
1: Is 6.31 handling these existing "_" as previous versions?
2: Understand names are limited to 15 characters. What are legal characters beyond the actual alpha/numeric. i.e. -*@+/\, etc.
3: Is there a way to easily change the "_" to something else? Could I use a plain text editor to search and replace?
4: Do I need to go back to version 6.1?
Any other thoughts appreciated.